3335 Vac Woodland Ave :==- -=:: ......... ....... ..--- '..-- ._.- , '. ,& ' ,^H",..Ç[S , HAMPTON, ROYCE, F.NGLfo:MAN 50 NELSON "'H ..0<0,°""° ""0',0 . S .'N' 'C" ,co... 0 "O,U "0","0 ,,«<v," c,s'"", .,,'.C" ,'c<.. S" ...... 'CN" "'..HC" . "'" 0<"'" eo.201 ,. ""., ","w, e ....00",," ".. "." ..~., -0'" Ie,'"., SA' ItlA.l<AtlSAS 67401 t91Jlon 1?SO July 9. 1973 141'. Don lIarrison City Clerk, City of Salina City-County Buildinß Salina, Kansas b7~Ol Dear toll'. lIart'ison: 1\ n Enclosèd find the PeU tion or v.orrison Grain Company for vaca- tion of a portion of Woodiand Avenue and North Thirteenth Street in Salina. Kansas. Please advise us of the dates ~hen this PeU tion is to be considered by the Planning Commission and Ci ty ColrJoission so that representati ves of 1':orr1son Grain Corr.pany ¡;jay be present to ans',.¡er any ques,tions 'ilhich the members of either or the commissions raay have. ¡, 1\ We believe that the contents of the Peti tion are self ex,planatory but if you have any questions. please let us know. W. Dean Cwens/dk Enclosure (. cc: 1011', Roger ¡'~orrison ¡'10rrison Grain Corr,pany P. O. Box 748 Salina! Kansas 67QOl r~r. Vaughn Hoffrr.eier ~orrison Grain Company P. O. B'ox 748 Salina. Kansas 67401 ',' " Very truly yours. HA:~PTON. ROYCE, EIWLENAU & NELSOU By tJ) V-(ß.d-"l./(Oc"¿l'e"------- ~', " (. 'c' .1 I I i ! I' " ¡i ¡, .. 11