3332 Amend Zoning Township 14 :¡ I' " , ìi /I '.; , - r--... r-, AP('LlCMIO:1 £01: NlUHn:lIIT TO Till: CllY ZOillllG I!J\P SM_II/^, I:J\I/){,5 ('[1111011 ¡;lI:.:elll 3332 O^lt: ('IUD __.um'--__u_-..---- I'lL 11:('. IU $i~-:'oo-- '¡jj'\((-"AIU" - - -----" 1Il^,:l'IG Ufdr ,,'u" ,-"- - -.. --- - -- ._u_--------- The S¡dinil City Planni,,!) Co¡;¡¡iÌs<,ion deelns it necessilry to hilve the inforll:ation requested IJelO\I as co;¡lplete lIS possilJle. ('I'evious zoni"g petitions hilve l:een taIJled 01' denied beciluse of insufficient infonlillion, This is a gene,'al fon~ for all rezoning requests: if there is other datil, not requested on the forlll, \'Ihich you feel is'jlertinellt to your request, please note sarr.e on question fl1'Ì and file it 'lith the forlll: 1 f ~Iore spilce is needed, pI ellse use the back of the fori:l, ,; 1. 2. Applicant's nar.le J. Darton '-¡custer: .---------- u_----------- Applicant's addrcss _.!~~Y?~..!:_~.!:.<2~!!-!___n -- ------------. 3. . ' Telephone nul,bcr (lIome)_~~~~~_o..lJ__- (Business) _~27=~~_~n--..__- .. 4, ' legal description of pl'opcrty requested to be rezùned: í A. B. lot ------- Block ---------- Addition ¡,Ieles and bounds description if nol pI lilted NI'/l/4 less the '-¡est )0 I' -------------- " feet and 4 acres in the NE Corner and less the railroad in section ----..-_.. .. n,_____"--- n- __--n------____n_- 5. 6. 35, TOI,¡nship 14, Range 3 in Saline County, Kansas.. ÎÌôte: ¡{-ñöTïïwfc-IJ, a--Surv-eyor'sCerti(fc-ate-~ïlïsTl)efiTe(lwíththeäpplf-' cation, shO;-lÌng IJuildiny locations and easen;enls. Areil (i n square feet 01' acres) of properly _l.29--~~.r~~- more..?r less --- \ Prope¡'ty o/,ner's name See attached list I --_.---- ------.-- --- -------.-- 7. 8. I I i .Present zone and use of propedy"II" (Agricultural),' '; , ,: -,:- ---u.. u.. - u ..,-~ u_~--_..- - - - - ,I P!'oposeo zone ilnd use of fJl'operty G Heavy Industn_al D~strlct - Manufactur,wg. ]s there sonelhing special (other ~~n--O\-/I1:;-S~l-i~) --òbOU~~'~-~-re-il il;"q-U~S-~-;O-I¡ \\ l thilt makes it narc feasible to relone this area rather than attempt to acquire I property presently zoned for the type of use intended? Please specify,,_- _..:.- Request at least 100-150 acres and single tracts this large do not existJ -~U-PP1Y fact~~~-;-~ata-s~;;~-I~;--~~-:(~--'~~~: re-z:ni-~~~~)-this areò-~'I~_~;!;_~£i~l -, \ I 9. 10. firm interested in construéting a 100,000 sq./ft. building for mañufacturin-g---purposes'- " - -' -- -------- -- --- -- -- 11, Are there any, restrictive co\'enants on the pniperty \-:hich \':ould affect the intended use if the property I':"re rezoned? No (Attach a copy of the covenants and/or deed rës tï;rëno-IÎs'-Trãný -a-re--föcTfë-ct.) 12. Supply fòcluill data shò;'¡ing the effect the proposed z911e and use \'Jill havç on present and future lraffic flO\'¡..Jnc~9~~_':_--t:.::~~~:.c of_low U~!-'?~-=ox::n.ately - 150 ~~_~!::.n,:l _<?~!s per _d~y"_u,~~.n.Y" _Na<JrJ°_~~.:.._._--- - - --_m - -- .------ 13. ¡-:ill there be sufficient olf-st,-eet pad..ing provided for a ~¡Ol-e intensive üsc? - - __I'~rk_i_~<J....:!.i1!._be_yr.~v.i.(~(~~~o~. ~~_..t.I~~<:!.._"u_-------_.. .... 14, List exhibits dl' plans ~,tlblliUcd: l.' -- -- - - -- - un"" --_un - . . ;-,;,- " ,- ..u---------. -- - --- -----....,.. - --- - --. un .. ',- _ß'--í.¿"1<:/lA'-:' æA,á.¿¡...~ i'ro >('l'ly ("..I;~'ì"S ~,i~ lh1tlll'l' BAffi3ARA CORSAUT, AGBNT "~I) , / / ,- 9- !)tl£t!ic, MAv.]j/i; iJ\liilJi-Ú'lt'-~~-S'¡.!.i'I,)ttl'e--"'-- - " J. BARTON t'lr;DSTER' I. \' l'I;II\I)ili~1 1If' ',!I'I¡;:c'lIl I~,'\'i(':-:: Illi I i it! <; It;, I (' - _nn -- ..-- , - -' ,-, '" , I ¡ I ..;¡ \, not note If more space is needed, please use the back of the form. 1. Applicant's name ~!JaTtO!L~bster address ~lj5~'i.t_C_lou~- SaJina,Kans"" 6'7~ Telephone number (Home)~2"7"¡"~ (Business) -....I!Ë1.-,,9~- Legal description of property requested to be rezoned: 4. A. Lot -- Block Addition B, Metes and bounds description if not platted "!i less the West SO Få'et. and 4' A=es in the !/¡¡,s;Q.rne1". an-JLle!!§_the railrøad in Section 35, Township 14- Range S- in Saline County,Kansas NõTe:-Unofpl a tted,--ã-SürvëŸ'Jr'S-'C'e¡-t ifi cate musfl,ë7íJkdWi'tlitlie-ã¡;¡;rr- cation, showing building locations and easements. 5. Area Cin square feet or acres) of property X,,}'-.!tc.!'.~--"!.o_!:!L.Q1'~~- Property owner's name ~:<LC'orsM.b.!<E!!'.I!!:___---------~ Present zone and use of property "A~ First Filmile ¡:¡welli'l[LDisltrict:- --------------------- -AgriC"lture. Proposed zone and use of property :'~-" Heavy Indust'rial Dis1;riç1-M'a_n.YfJ1.cturing R"quest 100-15U aéres- and single t'ræcts this large db nøt- - ------------------------ --:""'1 ri Supply factual data showing need for rezoning in this area 1ndüstr.!_~_- U!-J'L~ed in ð'Ons..t.rlJ.~].OO,OOO .!1!l:Ltit- buildinw f-"r- , manufacturing purposes 11. Are there any restrictive covenants on the property which ,"auld affect the intended use if the property were rezoned? No (Attach a copy of the covenants and/or deedrestY'ic£TõnsTfã¡¡Y¡;re in effect.) Supply factual data on present and future the effect the proposed zone and use will have flow,- rn_çgo.!1_""'-"--'-1a""-~!-.E_\V_Þ],-~.1'.!'~,:>;¡l.!"ately 150 a~itional c.ar"-per_~¥_~ing Magnol..:J"a 13. Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided for a more intensive use? 2arkinjL:!!!-J.l--_~e providèd' ~ ~ the.J;,!:!!~i.-"------~ List exhibits or plans submitted: ----------..----- - 0 il~__W ~----- FiCant's signature