3323 Prelim Country Club Estate I'I:TlTIO~ MHIBER -- ._.)~V, :-,¡ I~at~ I'il~d _/f,%Jfl-L2j/17::--' Salina, Kans S cmNISSIO~EHS: TO 1111: 110~011AULE IIOAI10 OF CO~I~IISSIO~EHS OF 1111: CITY OF S,\J.JN,\, KM,SAS h'e, the undersicned, residents :lnd property olincrs in the City of Salina, K<1nS:l5,' do hereby petition your honorable boJ)' for the I. ., ( ./ I=). ' /1//'<""'" . '(¡ .. "t ,...,""'{ . -pll~-I 0 F (~.\.J ....>\ (.'«( (! L.vL L'.~, 1(1'1(><: ¡IJJ,,'I: 0,\.>-/'0 e-l, ()t==- S/IC : ,vq Trusting that the pra)'el's of the petitione.rs will respectfully, \ FILl]) UY~"-"¿:I (f..~~ I.j)';-f'~> l~¡/e7""_' - . j I: N1\.qE':/ ---~ A() )RESS t. ~? WHo ..l - -<.. 9- '. ( --_.- ------ - - - ----- .- ---- ----- -- - - .. --- ---- - - - , - - --- - -- - - - - - - ---- - , -- -- - - -- I I -- -- - --- -- -- ---- , ~~-- - -- - - --- -- ----- .. ----- -- -_. -- - - --------_. -- - --- --------- e---- -- --- - - - - --- - - - , - _.- --- - --- --- - -- - ---- - __n- - ---- ------- .- _.- --- -- ~ -- - -_.. ---- ----- --- --- ---- , ---- - -- - .- - -n- - - --- ---- .---- - n_- - - .. --------- - -- - -- .. .- -.- _n- --. ------ - - - ---- - - -- c - - n- - -...--- -- ---... --._- -_.- - . - , -_on .-..._-_. - -- -.... - - - m_u .._u .. h . .. , - - - -.. -- -.--- --- - - . -. -.. --- be cranted"we are, 9 oj" ) ~ ()P ",1 ,I '.>" LOT 13 WC K ,. AlJDITlO:-¡ " - --- I, ---------" :.¡ -- -- --- --- --- ---- -- -- - ----. '------ ------ --.- ----- -"-- - ---- ----- -----_._- - _.-- - ---- ---- --- -. .--.- .------ ...------.------------- ¡. OJ I' ,. --------- ------------...-------. ,. '. i I I I . , I I I I I ¡ I I I I , I. ,: to "