3320 Annex Township 14 Ii " ¡. !I 11 I' PETITION N~œER 332ü O1te Filed JJ-I,) .7.,\ S&li.na, Kan~s W THE HO~'(jRAI!Lr: BOARD OF COMMISSIOr'i6RS CITY OF SALINA, ICAr3AS Ca1MISSIOt;SilSl "", th<!t undersigned, residents ~¥ property owners 1n the a.i,. ot SaUna. Xanaas, do hereby petition your honor;'ble bOdy' for annexation to th. city UIII- it, ot Salina, Kansas, the tollowing descrlbed prope rty. ¡. A traot or land located 1n the Southwest Quarter ($',1/4), SeoUon 19, TownsMp 14 South. ?tnge 2 West. of t.ht> SLxth Pdncipal Merldian in SaUna ColUlt,., KanS4~, tlore part.1cu.larl;y described ~s tollO'olI' Beginning at. apo1nt ~ne Hundred tð.nety Four and Th1.rty Nl.n. l!undredths (994.)9) feet North (along Ohio Street) and '!\fo Hundred (~OO.O) teet. . &st (along the south boundary ot ~urene Addition) ot the Southwest Corner ot the Southwest Quarter ot said se<:'tionJ thence fAst along the south bound3r;y ot l:aurene Addition a d:i.stance ot 1bree Hundred 'I\lent;y One and Five Tenths ()2l.S) feat, thence South a cI1.t.ance ot l11ree Hundred Th1.rty One and 'l\Ienty Seven Hundredths ())1.27) teet, thence We,t. cI1stance ot 'Three llundred '!Wenty One and Five Tenths ()21.S) teet; thence ~orth a d!.stanee ot Three l!undred Thirty One and 'Ib1rty Five . I!1mdredths ())1.),5) teet. to the point ot becinninc. " Sûd tract contains approxl.matel;y 2..44 aorel. ., WIt request Ws annexaUon FeU 1:1on 1W1b<,l' conjuncUon vith zoning feU Uon r~bel' .~ U I n1ad, annexation ~ll be denied. Trosting that the pra,yers ot the peUt1ol\9n vi11 be ."':' ,. g~, ~L " '.~~.u~~ FILED BY ~ r a ~ d - :?...- , (, "....., ""4 . ,tv.,' be considered 1n .0 that 11' :oning 18 de- ¡, granted, we are, 1'0- !i I, . " J. Ii II " !' Ii Ii - "