3319 Imp Lakewood Add I'ETlnO~ NU~IBU: -- ,'rtLL IJatcl'ilc,I 1.J,/u",3 S;¡ i 11<1. l;alls;Js TO 1111: IIO:\OP.'\\II.E \(),\RIJ OF comIlSSIO:--:U:S OF 111E CITY OF S,<\I,INA, N\NSM; CO~I.'IISSIOSERS: I~e, the undersigned, residents anti property oloiners in the City of Salin<1, K;¡ns¡,s, do hereby petition your lIonoral>le. bod)' for the Asphalt paveoont, concrote curb and gutter on Landoark LanD from the East line of Ohio Street to the South Uno of Block 4, !¡akewood AJdition. !I ., Tl'usting th;¡t d:o pr;¡yer$ of tile petitiollers Hill I>e grunted, lie are, respectful Iy, ""7Þ/.'-'1" ¡f¡'J'¿ ü.,.~:<. N¡\/O1E Jfit../ /f ,/.'t > :£f<-- c- ;4:-.. ':' ,! ADDRESS lOT BI.OCI; AOIHTJON _J.l:Q.--':J.kJl.f~ /:{'1!:C '-<~'-"<'<{ c.,I."¿.'I.<.<¡',, ----- ~---- ---L.--------- - ----- --------- ------- -------- - --------- ----- ------ -r------ - - --- - - - -- ----- -- -- _on- -- --,---- ----- ---_Uu_----------------------- - _d______------ ------- ---- ----- ---- ¡: ----- -- --- ' ------- --- --------------- --- ------------------- --.---------------- --------- --- I; ---- --------- -- ---- ------------------- ------- -------- -- ---- , - ------ --------- -- ,,--------- ----~ -- - - ---- -----'--'----- --- " ----- -- -- ----- --- --_u_--- n , ,.. - - - ------- -- -------,,---- H- '--- - -- ---- _.. ,-- --------- --- _n -_u_------------ ----,- --- - --- -- --------- --- ---- - ------, - ,- -- - ------ ____...h- - - - ----' -, - - - n - - ,- --. - - - ---.. - .....- - - -- - -- I. I. " \: : I I ' I Î I I I I Ii " ; , ,