3316 Extend Sewer 5th Street ~ln."Ch Hi, 1073 lIollol"llhlc City ComlDissioll 8a I inn Kallsas Ilc respectfully l'e' III'St YO\ll' ~~lIsi'ler[\tioll of the ellclosell pelitioll. 'IllÌs p~titioll requests lhe I'eeessioil of Petitioll #3302 sigllcd hy ~Iarioll 1\'. I'estin/(cl' "clillesting thc exh'nsioll of sallitnt'Y sewer HIll' !\I III watcr lille 011 Fifth Street fl'om a poillt 150 feet nodh of Ellelid St.'ce t to Stimme I Hom!. 'fhe enclosed Pctitioll is siglled uy lIille of the 11 propc.'ty ownel's I'epresellting over 7O'i of lhe property ill thc uenefit disldet. " --------L-------- people that si !ll!!d the ori¡!Ìnal Petitioll (#3302) al'e signers on the ellelosed Petitioll. lhey were misillformed as to the cost to theG! for Ihc al,ove melltiolled project. \; 11'1' believe that the water analysis frolD 9 of the H properties illdicate lhat a serious waler prohlem does not exist. 1\'1' furlhel' submit that the llisposition of sewage ill lhis al-~a is not a problem. On behalf of the signers of lhe enclosed Petition, we sincerely appreciate your consideration 'of thc facts illvolved, and respectfully request the recession of Petitioll #3302. Silleerely,' yÇ!¿1 J a..,..¡c/ to \. J} ,)'\v..J, )1-;)./.o\Jo {t. ,: \' , i i ¡ I I ! \ I to' I i I,: "