3308 Amend Zoning Township 14
Legal Description:
'I'hat P¡¡J:t of the ¡:O1:th(>i"lsl Çlh,rter Om!.,) of Sect,iOIl 'rl':elve (lz),
'l'ovmship FollI.tcen (l'¡) south,HiHHj<' '['hn;e (3) \';e~;t of the sixth
princip"l ncridi"n in Saline County, 1<,1115<.15, lying nol'th of a
line 'f'v:a Jlund1:erJ (zOO) feet n01'1:h and par¿1l1el to the center line
of Lhe ¡,1"in t1:i1ck of ::he Union ;)ùcif ic Hailro"d, ill1d less rOiHh!i1Y
riljht-of-\.:i1Y fOl' l'l'l)I1L :;U'eet, pi"lcitic Ìlvenue i1nd ohio 5t1'(20t ,
dOS::l'ibed.ùs fo110\;5:
neginning ill tlw norLhoi1st CO1:ne1' of sùid SectiOIl 'l'\;elve (12),
thence due south alonej the e-:lst linn of. said section 'f,,'(>lve (lz),
¿¡ distance of z~9.i2 feet to the north right-of-\-Iày line of the
Union pi1cific HailroiHl, thence south ú13o z2' west i110ng the north
1:ight-of-\"i1Y line of the Union Pacific l~ail1:oad, <.1 distùnce of
26135.z1 feet, tlwncc north 00 15' ,,'est ,l1on9 the west line of the
. t\o1:Lheast Quarter (u¡.;\) of said ::ection 'f'I,:elvc (I?'), a distance
of 1527 .O~ feet to the north line of said Section 'l'\;elve (lz),
thence north B,,!o ~7' \Icst along the north lirìe of said Section
'fl,'elve (lz), it d isLi1l1Ce of z6~5. 3 fQet to the point of beginning,
containing 45.3 acres m::>re 01- less.
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