3307 Prelim Marydale Add ,-, ,I !. Le(ja! DCSC1-iption 'rhi\Lpi;rt t~f Lhe :\ortheM;t (>u'òrlCl- (¡¡¡.;~:> of Section- '1'1':e1 'It.' (12), <J::t')\iIIship FOuL-teen (V1) SOlltll, 1'¡'lÍI(j(~ 'j'hree (3) \;Cf;t _of tIle sixth principi'll ¡,:eridiùll in SaLine Co'dnty, 1«lIl"ð~, lyinc¡ nol-th of a line '1'\';0 Hundred (:.'.00) feet north ¡¡¡Id parilllc:l to tI)(~ ,center line o'f the In¡¡in trac}~ of the Union 1',1ci[ic r~i.1iln)¡1(I, and less roa<1l:iìY riyht-of-\';ùy [01: Front Stlcet, ¡'acifi,; I\Vl':'nue dnù Ohio Strp.cL descril:<.!d dS [ollm'm: BeqinnJl)(J i1t the norlhei'lst con1cr of :¡aid Section '£\,e1vo (12), th,?nce dlle South i'llonç the C¡1sL !ill(? of "aid Scction'T\';eJ-vc (12), a disli1l\ce of 259.12 feet It.> tlw north right-of-\\'òy line of L11P 'Union l'ilcific Railroad, thence "oulh 6B"22' \-Il?[;t <ò1on'J the no1:th right-of-I\'iIY line of sùid Union Pacific HiliìnJild, ù distance of 2685.21 feet, thence north 0° IS' I,'e:;t alonq the \-;e:;t !ine of the t-;orthei'lst c.-uarter (lIE!.) or :>aid Section 'f\':elve (12), ,1 tli:;Lùnce or 1527.05 feet to,tht:? north line of :;diù S'.:cLion 'l'\':elve (12), thence north ß9° 57' "est along the nol-th line or Sù id ~¡ection '1'1:01ve (I?), õ distõn<.:e of 2655.3 feet Lo the point of IX?c¡inning, conLòinillg '15.8 ùcres more or lQ1>s. II n Ii L \~-,,-~\\ I II Ii \I '" -- i: , l: ; ,. ~ ---