3304 Amend Zoning Woodland Add Ii \: " .. j .... " , r; t" D P,tf, " "'J 1'1 ,~ 'I' r, J ",J " Ii" , '.1 J N'P! ICI111011 10[t MILt;\Jì1Œl TO TIll: CITY IO:nll(; 11..\1' SfII,ItI^. ;'J\I¡${\~ l'lTnlor: tiW',Bllt ,3,>,6'{ OM!: III LO ~_...u~ u -~ . lei ; ~ 1'1 LI r:G If! '$/5',0'0' pÌ\1'i:",í({I ~~.:i,:Ù IH^,{IHG DMC . " ..q.....-.-.- 'The 11cllopolilall 1'1i1l1l1illC Co:""i~sioll deem'> il ncu',ssiny lo have lite illforl'\illioll 'eqllested IH!lo.'¡ ilS co;rplete ilS possible, Previous lonilll) pl'lll10nS havc been tabled 01' denied brcillise ofinslIfficielit i ilfon:¡¿¡ti on. lids is ð general fonn for illl rezoning reqlll'sts: if there is other datil, not ,'~ reque:;ted on thc fonn, \Ihich you fN:I is,pel'tincllt to YOllI' request, pleilse nate \!:/'¡ sa;nl! on question ¡;Jt1 alld file it \'lith thc forl:1. .- f/' (~1." ~ If n,ore space is need(:¡J, please use the bilc\; of the fon1. 1- 2. ^ppl icant '5 nòlle _JI1l11slILE. .Oehlert, .Jr. .&.W. E.- Oehlert, Sr." . -." -.-.. - ^pplicð!\t's address -517_AuHloIood,Salina,-....J19 W.K1.f'Wtn, Salina, Ke..j.----- , \ lelephone nunber (lIol'ld,??74571ßn193J_--_- (ßusincss) ,8272961.--- ,-----_. 3. 4. Legill dC'scription of prope.'ty reque:;tcd to be rezoned: ^. Lot h~:_~~- Block -. .It_.-.-.. ----.. Add'ïtion loI.Q.odland.---.---- ß. r!etes and bounds description if not pliltted .----..----- -... --.------.-. -,--""'-"'--""-- -.... ,.----- --..--.---'. ,- ---- - --..-- n.__"---'" - . .._--~_.u 'rîôle:'lf ñë;l ¡ílãft'c-¡ :iïS,ïr<Íéyo'rTs-ceï-TiTic-ãYè r.llls"CÍJéuhléd-¡:¡rtïithé- ã-pp-l {- cation, sho\lin( building locations ilnd easp¡;¡cnts, 5. Mea (in squiu'e feel or deres) of propcrty _l.ò_t- 5-5.OxV5...- .1ot,..9&.I?.JPOx125 " Prop'cl'ty O:lI\CI-'S 6. 7. II a II;(: lo~ 5 .W .¡'~..Q( _h),ert., $1:, . lot. Ms..Wm.. EA Oehlert.. .Jr.- -- : Blot 6 & '8 vacant lots PrC'senl zonc and use of iH'OpCl'ly _8 _lot....5, _cAIlvas fabricatian...shop & trall~-_les t lot 5 canvas fabrication shop & trailer sales Proposed zone and use of propertytulot 6 &8. PfUk .Ilß!L.and used trailera..on.for 68le Is there SO1:ething special (other than o.':ne.-ship) ilbollt the area in qucstion tha t I1)l'.es it nOl'c fcùs i b 1 C to rC701H~ thi s ared ralh(>r than attcfI:pt to acqui re prope)'ty presently zoned fo,' the typc of use intendC'd? Please specifY_We.8ra.ln busines Ii 3. 9, }?~_l~o~~_l':¿::~ _nqlol...!if!d .~!L:J...Q.t-~. _?-.l,~_8 ,. . _..~.... - .... .,------ -..- 10, Supj,ly factual data shmlÎng need fol- "czoning ill this areò .M.!!dfoJ:..additional () I, 'bu.siJ1eß_~ !3JÇpan.ti9n. and IIl9re - ofLJltreet. parking -- - --- - 11. flrc thel-e any rcstl'ictive co\'enilnt5 on the [H-opedy \/hieh \iould affect the intended use if the prope 'ty I¡ere "elon,ed'! - -..-- ..._--- (fIltùch a copy of the covenants and/o)- <lee¡F.-e5t"ictioIiS {f ~1ily--ãi-ë-(ri"'effect.) It'. Supply factual dòta 5ho\lin9 the effect the proposed zone alld use \'Iill have on present and futl/I'e traffic flOl'I..__- !1°n~_...... . ....... ------ . ,- ';~'.. . 13, Hill tlH're b[',sllffiLic'llt off..strcet Jdrking provided fol' a o:ol'e intensive usc'! yelLthls \ill:bgive- us more_parking SpaCB___- . -.---.,- - -- -. . ----.---- List <,>:hibits 01' 1'1¡1I1s ~'I(¡;,\iltéd: -- ,platt. .of,lots 11',. .- -.... -......--. .-- --- . -...-------"-- n..._' p- ---- -....-. ..-. ...- ---.... _._- - - ..- p',- . /0[(' ti//III ¿" G/t t~./:-c/!; Z¿¡¿t'~J"~ ¿.c&:.£4~;t3l.-- P"opf!rty mille)-'S si~n¡¡tul'~7- ~. }, ?' 0 I?> /J -¡ /--... cv.-<-å~~..': - (./ l!../¿.K..f.<..yf X'1.--": {lpplicant'Š?Signatui'e C/ I'IJllnin( Ih>pðrU"erlt Hevib':: Initials Date . ---. ..-. (, i' \ I \ , \ 'J ¡ I I ! " "