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3298 Amend Zoning Sunset Manor
" " i! /.1'1'1.11111 1(1:: n¡:: !:':: nil::! In 10 lli!" C11)' /0;1);;(; 1:':11' <,/;1.11111, !J'd:',^S I'lllllO;;r:lJ::¡;!I: ~298 [JAil IILIII ,- q~~,-,,~...~,\:\. \C¡;.I~---~:.. IILli:';IIT~;>¡dl!J IJ!IIL<)l'íl/h'l-I-Fl1:') IIIfd:lI:lill/,li,---" --"---", --,--,--_.._---- ""H'___- ,---- ,,~I'of The 1!-:'lloP'_)lil.'" ';lItllilll fl'ö;'"i',~;il)1I (Ic('n~ il IIf'c",,',aIY 10 I ", VI' lhe ¡"fllllrl,Olio;, .s I'ec:ll(:o,l('t! lJl~ltl.-1 <1~ co;';pl('I(' ,10, I'uss ilde. I're" i()l1~ 1(lnin:.! If'lll Ions 11,1\'(' L,eclI lìllJlcd or dclli('d h{'CilUSl' of iw,uríici('1I1 illfurll:diulI,' lido, i~ _il IJellel',11 foil" fur ¡oil 1'('1(llIill!1 I ('cue:;ls: if th"l'e h (llh!!I' datil, lIol 1\~<tlw~l(~J on the fUII;;, 1¡llilh YOIl feel is pert illellt to ,yollr n.'llIcsl, ple.1~c liule Sill¡¡{~ {III CllIeslioll rl<1 illHJ file il \lith till' foll;l, If lIore spiICe h t'cded, 1'1('.1se 11$(' thc bilc\; of lhe fol'<II, 1. ^pp 1 icilnl ' 5 lIùl:e 'U^I\OI.D IHCIU;Y ..'----,------,-,-,- ---"-----"'---'----_'_..__mU_- --..-- 2. fll'plicilnt'$ address 8'¡ lIallcock -- --... -,,-- -"',----"'--__"___n ___n_,__- --- -- --------------.._-----,-- 3, 11, Telephone 1I1I:"!){'1' (1Iou:!'--__-- --,,-----....-------- (HIISilw$s) -_:_-=-7Y.~-~----- ------------- 1.('(liI 1 de$cd pt i on of prope"ty 1'('llIe~, led to he ïC'i'.oncd: ^, lot 2-3-4 IIloc!:' 18 ^ddition Sunset ~'anor ^ddition. - ---- - ----... -------- ..- u------- -- - - --- ---- - -- - - -------- -- - ------- I, II. 11eles and UOlllltl$ des(;ript ion if lIot pliltlecì ------_u - - - ---..-- ----------- --- ---- ------------ ------- ----..- - ------ ---- --u-- - -- - --..,--- ---..,-------- 5. ;; Ú, 7, e- 9, ïìo! e: If no-t jl ia'l(ed~-il Su ':"-<'j'Ùi-S"C¿'-I-' tfílcðlc r,:lïลก-C-IJc---fj 1 cd \lrtïï 1ïl-ë"iíji¡ïiT- cation, sho;'lin!1 ,lIilding lociltions ilnd CilSC¡1el1ts, \I 1\1'(>{1 (in sluare feet or i!CI'cs) of propcl'ty --~'O- --------_u_-------- Propel-ly o',lI1cr's nin,i!? Calvin J. Carithers 'n -- -- .. ,- - -'O -- u_'O --'O------ -- - ---- - -- - ---,- ----- -- - - -------- I'rc~cnt zone ilntl'use of property U "^_'~_:-._I:~_~,i~le_n~ia~____~------------- Proposed zon(' ilnrl IIse of propel'ly ---~~¡:;-':'-'--_:-__I::'?t:o!-'c)r~_l_(: -:";~ !~_s _a~I~--_~,:rv ice. Is lhel'(~ so:r,cthin(j spcci¡d (othel' than o;l/1ersl¡jp) ilhfJlIt lhe i'lreil in quest ion that II!Jke5 it Ir(Jl"(~ feò$i'le lo rezone this aïeil I-iltller lIwn ðtlCI.\~t to ilC<luÌI'e properly pres"ntly zoned for the type of lI$e intencied'{ 1'1e¡ISe specify__--__--- - ------ un --- ..- - 'u ------- -- -- - - - ---. 10. Supply factuill dùtil sho'.-:ing need fol' rcloning in this iln'iI -- ------- n_.. - _--__m__"--_-- -------- -- - -- - - ------------ 11, ^re thcl'e any restl'ictive coyenilnls on lhe pl-opert.\' lihich I':ollld affect the intendl'¡J use if the Pi-O(li'rty liere rcloned? Not to my knO\.¡ledge. (Mlach iI copy of lhe co"enilnts and/ol- du:(J -1~('~.,-t'a;ìë"(Ú'-ns if allY iI,:e in C'ffë-cl.) 12. ,- Supply f.lctual dillil sho',lillg the pfj('cl the pïo¡;osed zonç and IIse l!ill liilvc! on presC'nt i!nd fullJl'e traffic flo;'}. Increased tra([l.c (lm,¡. ..--....-.., -------------------- - "-'-"- - _u --- - -- -- .. ,----- -n" -.. - u--- - -- - - ------ -- 13, 1'1ill lh('rel"be sufficient (Iff-street p,ll'l:ill( pj'('vided fol' a 1'lOre inlc'nsÎ\'e use? Y(!:;-_::.~_~-¡ill build 011 one lot a_I'!5~,,~~t_il_iz(:..~:\:I?--J.°ts ~~~r:- p-,-,~king. 111. I isl (,:illÌbil~, (II' plans SlilnriUf'd: - -- -.. ----- ----""----'---'-----------,---.. I, .. n__--- -.... -- - - ---- ---- ,- - - - - ---.. - , A",,~ ~ ""'~'i\i:iiì, '1'< J' '(} Ii í 11/ Z .;/ L~&~¡::'~,/" ~(~¿i4,,- _",n",_- I, 0),17);'-' '\, ' ,,11'.11"'\, ," ;æ' \'I:fflll I' " / " .J. ' '/' ',a/ ~f¡;~<¡Iíf.~',!,- '(~'l c/ ' i: Pli:l1l1i..o¡ ),'j',lrtJ:I.'¡of I:,'vi,'.:: I" i 1i.:1 c- IJ,o! (, c' '\ ' '\ I : i ì I I \ \ I i I I ,\ " ,: " r