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3294 Prelim McArthur Add
, ~. .... - '-' .. -" I'ETIllÅ“¡ I\lI:!I~I:I: 329.1 ---- ------p Dalt' Filt-,! February I, 1973 Salilla, I:all-,,¡;i--------------- TO TilE IIO>;O!(,\I\LE 110,\1(11 0:' CQ\1,IISSlO>;I:HS OF 'IIiE crn' 0:: S'\U:-:\, I~,\NS:\~; ((I,\',IIS~;IO:¡EI:S: ' He, lho 1I1I,!t-l'si¡:IICd, )'ositll'll~: a 11,1 pI'Opcl'l)' OI:I\el'" in the Cit)' of S~¡)illa, !:(JIIS:lS, tlo hcl't'I,y pctitioll )'l'lIl' l(1nol'~,!J\l' Ilotl)' foJc tho: acceptance of Preliminary Plat of McArthur AdtliUon consisting of the West ..2!..í.. Acres of the North lIalf (N'2) of the Southwest Quarter (S/WI.¡) of Section Nineteen (19), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Two (2) West of the 6th P.M.; Sacline County, Kansas. rcs!)ectruI~)l:l:still¡: that the pra}'cl'W/lhc pclitiOlll'l's \Iill,,~.OA'.I-al\tctl, \;0 are, G 1. K, INC .?-P"7rú.?::.¿¿¿,<;;t ~-(... F I LEI> IIY GEORGE. ETIIER I NGTON, PRES IDENT \ ,r'" " .;1' \'-cJ' \,1"'- 0)' c ,:'í. 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