3460 Parking Meters S 5th St PETITION NUMBER ~ Date Filed: ((. ,~.lu l, ,ql'¡ Salina, Kansas ~."t ' KANSAS We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Xansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the P,E,SIGNATI,O1;/ OF"AcDDIT,ID1;/1\I" 8~LJJ~HOUP"PARjýING ME'J'&RS' 'IN ,THE"" MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT LOCATED IN THE 200 BLOCK OF SOUTH FIFTH STREET, SALI1;/A, KA1;/SAS, we are FILED B'Y V'- is the General Improvement and Assessment "Names may not be withdrawn from the petitions by the signers thereof after the governing body commences consideration of the petitions or later than seven (7) days after,such filing, whichever occurs first, n ADDRESS LOT BLOCK Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe South Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe . . ~ Date Filed: n",,~j"^ Z. 11,,1 Salina, Kansas 0 2 . . '"'\" BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DESIGNATION OF ADDITIONAL 8-10 HOUR PARKING METERS IN THE MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT LOCATEO IN THE 200 BLOCK OF SOUTH FIFTH STREET, SALINA, KANSAS. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, d" hereby petition your honorable body for the "Names may not be withdrawn from the petitions by the signers thereof after the governing body commences consideration of the petitions or later than seven (7) days after such filing, whichever occurs first." LOT BLOCK ADDITION (.' r"\. ,'-"", ... 3~¿6 PETlTlO;-¡ rW~mER Dale riLcd:JlQ...~l<A 2.. ,QD'¡ Sa.lina. t:ansas . .~().i'" 5 10 TilE ItO:\OIl!\BLE BOARD OF CO~NISSIO).lEHS OF TilE CITY OF SALINA. K,\US^S CO~I:-II 5S lONEHS: We. the undersigned. being residents and propcl'ty owners in lhe City of Salina. Kansas, do hereby petition yollr honocable body for the . . OESIGNI\TION 01:' J\DIH'l'IONI\L 6-10 1t0UH PI\HKING HB'fEH5 IN 'rIlE NUNICIPAT. PI\HKING L01' LOCI\TED IN Till> 200 BLOCK 01' SOUTII I:'IFTIt S'l'IŒET, SALINA, Kl\NSAS, petitioners will be granted, we arc -- --==---. ¡\ssessnent K.S.A.. 12-6a Law. states: "Nat:les nay not be withdrawn from the petitions by the signers thereof after the governing body co;rnences consideration of the petitions or later than seven (7) days after such filing. whichever occurs first.N NAHE -p 1/ . ,fi (!{v;v1.,~ It/, . LOT BLOCK ADDITrO).l I: ~ L ---- \, --_.- ---- -.-- -- ---- " CJ 7?)Vt-"'l .J;:J t/j}~,-..-J/ - /I., " ~. ¿u~t 1-;)- -- - ~ ~ "",'--LV) G"'-=---- 3 .)~-- l,ùo~,ll~,:,-~',=",- ~-- --- '-/l9du~lI2/_,--;Jf((_(',J/z~,L ____213 (k~-!J/J~----------~~ , ,. --. - ,c_:... .. ,I Z' , i I I i I \ i I I , I I I " !' 1\ Ii ,--.... 'r-., ... PI:TlT]O~ Nu~mER ~~ Date Filed:~~I,1 Salina, Kansas J . ~o. t" . TO TIlE IIOSOR,\BLE BO,\RD OF CmI.\IISS]O~ERS Or- TIlE CITY OF S'\I.1NA. KAIISAS . cmNISSlO:\ERS: \'le, the undersigned. being residents and property owners in the City of S~lina. Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the ( DESIGNA'l'ION OF l\ODI'fIONAL 8-10 HOUH PAHKING I1I::TEHS IN 'filE NUNICIPAI, PARKING LOT I.OCATED IN TilE 200 ßI.OCK OF sou'rll I.'H'TII S'flŒET, SALINA, KANSAS. 'i K.S.¡\,. 12-6a, Law, states: ]mprove;nent Assessnent "Naf1es na>, not be withdra\.n from the petit ions by the signers thereof after the governing body co~nences consideration of the petitions or later than seven (7) days after such filing. \;hichever occurs first." tlMIE ADDRESS Lor BLOCK 5ðL3Lli/;'O,J -2 ~ ~. :;-"-~¿,""'/"( --- Y cl,f)" "j! ll' <f. 7'>7!6.ßd~:~ 1: L- . ~j :6")32-. ðk r.1.- " l (j) Ù2;L,<- --- .:..1/ 'l 'f.." ,'i? £0 J!¿,~L -1~- '-/2.. Lßt:CCH LUCOD ----------- ------- ----'-,--c------ -- -- - ---- ------ -- - í' __n__-"-- ----- ----------------- ---- -- ..------ ------ --------- ------- ---------- ------------ -- -- ------~--- ----------- ------- --------- - . ----- --- --~. ---- ---- ---- ------ ,- ----- ------- - ------- _n ---- - --- ---- - ---.---- - ADDIT]O~ ---- --- I I I \ ' I ! "1 I I I I i I I I I I \ l . I I' I " ~ ¡, PRESCOTT ]Ò" " ~ " N tl 47" <' . 0 . tv 0£' 20' 0 (, t-' en b 3"" 0 ",o' Q 4(,' é7 J: t- Z Ž ~" 0 L AVE, 1?7" GEOMETRICAL, p~AWING !.;_Glli!2 0 Slop Sq' D Tree .. 0 """tr Pole . lV Pc'" <1J Bush ,. ,) " j: " I, "