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3458 Amend Zoning Ord # 6613
r--, ,"', PETITION Nml\\EIl '} ./ ^ ,) ,,' :, I> Dale File,I: nc.,~",k,/. lì~11 Sal 11,1", \::111:<:1$ TO TilE 110:\01:,\1\1.1: lO.\!:) OF CmI'lISSIO:\l.ItS OF '1'111: Cny OF S.\I.I1'\'\, K,\:\S¡\S CmI'lISSIO:\EHS: \~<" the II 11.1 c I' $ i 1'.1\(',1 , hdll!: "l'sÌllcllt:< ;111,1 pl'OpCI't>' O\;\Cl's ill the City of Salina, Kallsas, do hel'chr petitioll )'0111' hollol'able hoJyl'ol' the Arnendmentof Section 9, District "c" (Apartment lIouse District) of the Zoning Ordinance Numl>er 6613, to include Clinics, Medical and' Dental Offices as a permitted use, added as Paragraph 10, to said District "C". ' .. ;1 Trllstillg that the prayel's of the petitiollers Hill be grallted, lie :Ire 'respect filii>' ~~ ~itY Pl~in~ commi~sion I'ILEL> lIy--f¡;fi/L ~œ~ " Ke1.tí1-F. Rawll-ngs Secretary- K.S.'\. 12-(,", I..hlch is the Geller:ll In'pl'o\,,',nellt :llId ,\$SCSSlaellt 1..aH, states: " "N:mcs IJay lIot be h'itl\l\¡';1\O\ frol:\ the petitions by the Slglll'l'S thel'cor :lftC'1' the r,o\'C'I'lIllIg hoLly connellces colIsI,I"r;1tloll of the petitiolls or I:ltel' th;'lll s<,-vell (7) d:l)"s ;'If tel' slIch filill!'., hhidle\'el' OCClII'S first." IIMI1:.. '\()()(I'SS LOT BLOC!: '\U\)JTlO~ -Êa:li!}a Ci:~-_~lanni~_~~~ - ~:;;~~~~_.._-~~=-~ == _~~~~-r---=--=__,- ~j.-~J..- ,~~_!..i..!!.9.~L_~ecr .!-~~,--------- --------- __n_- - ---- --- -p- ___m- '.. ------ n--'- -- --- --------------,---- ..- ------- - ----- ---- -------------- - -- --- --------- ----- -- --- -- ----- -...----- ---~--- ------------ ---------------------- ,------- ----- ------------- -------- ------ - ------- ..------ --- u_--------- - -------,--- ___n- ----- --------_.~ "-- -- --------------' ---- -,------':',-----..-------- ---,-- -----------'~- ----_u_----- - --______n -- -------- --- ----------------- - --- _0 ---- -- - - - ----- ----- - --- - - ---------_u _u_-------------- ;: ' --- ---- - -'---_u- h_____n - - - - -- --------------- --- - - - - 0 -- u_--- ---- - --____n___-------------- --, - - ---------_.,., n__- --------- ._---- --_.,----- . . . ,..-------______n_-- u_---- ----- --------,- - -- --- -- ---. ------------- ------- ----- - --- ----- - -- - -----------_--__..--mh ----- u_- .-,--,u.--.--.---- -----,.. ._----_._----U_-'_U_--------"'.' --_...----- ---'--""'------ 'uOn_--- ..--.---- ,----...,......--.-----".-,.-,- ---'-"'--"'-'----'-""-- . . --"'--- - - --' --...- -,. .... ,........ ,.. .., d. -", --- _.'."" -. ....-..",..-.. n ------'--"""---"-""".""- ....--.-.....u.,----.... ----.... - .., - - - . , ........... ........-... .........-.. / ,íè- Ii l t: I: I'