3456 Amend Zoning KWU 1: 11 ,~ " ':',' ,., , ,:... ',' '1" ,;, ;r-.., , r', :, PUBLICA'l'ION DATE (~/..~t'J' é' ç (¡ 71/ , HEARING DATE ,-Ift/f.,,/X': 1'1, 11.11.-_~- PLANNING DEPT. REVIEW )-¡;¡/If r)J/ I I "~ I/!.; (~ PETI'nON NO. DATE FILED /(;,/1-1'77 .¡ ~'ILING FEE $25.00 RECPT. t j<! ?f.> 'I APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO THE DISTRICT ZONING ~VŒ '-II<C/;! 1. Applicant's Name: Mistlf!lOf! F.xrrf!Ss Sprvicf! 111 lIarrison Applicant's Address: Oklahoma CUy, Oklahn"A Zip Code: '0 7'\1 ,... 2. 3. Telephone (Business): (Home) : (1.00';) 2'\6-11.081 4,' Owner's Name: Pa""n "Ark..tlng I In" 5. Owner's Address: 750 W Hampdpn Av.. Zip Code: Englewood, Colorado Legal description of property requested to be rezoned: ROllO 6. Lot(s) in Block No. In Subdivision Metes and bounds description if unplatted (a Surveyor's Certificate must be filed with this applicatio~): Lot Sixty-ei2ht (L.68) and West One lIundrf!d Ten Feel (110') of Lot~ Sevpnty (70~" and Seventy-Two (72). on Ninth Strf!f!t in Ground~ of Kanaa" W.sl.yan IIniver"lty, an Addition to the City of Salina, Salin. County, Kallsa~. " ,. \' r, 7. Approximate street address: -- 1';1'\ Sollth qth, Str.pt 8. Area of property (sq. ft. and/or acres) Ft It.. ROO. '<:q 9. .' ~resent Zoning: D Use: IInn"""pl..d 10. Requested Zoning: Use: Frplght T..rmin..1 F 11. Arc there any covenants of record whic\1 prohibits the proposed development? (Attach copy): 12. List reasons for this request: To bf! used as a point for I n".. I d..1 ivpry Actually there will be ff!wf!r trucks pullinf into thf! loc.ation than .her. was wh..n it was a fillin~ station., Ovf!r-the-roadtruc.ks c.omlnf into Salina will arrivp at ~~arlv hour and deli~ery- trucks A~ small and only try~ Improvp sprvl".. to !, .lQ1!IU. pf!ople of Salina. Thp pllmp!! and t.ionlc~ will not hp 1I~..d and th..r.. will h. , Ius tuffiCJ!lovinç in and óut than t.b.e..rL,1I!U pr..violl!!ly. F.xl!<tfnc hili Idlng~ used as of~.~d stora¡e. ------- ------ " (Hev. 9/74), " J " I I I I - , I I I I I (, -. " . ';. I" , ,," 13. Supply factual data showing the effect the request will have on present and future traffic flow, schools, utilities, refuse collection, surrounding properties, etc: ...:ll1.2 small trucks will hav~ llttl~ if any effect on traffic flow there exists a traffic 'liRht on the Southwest ~arnpr~e property involved, there i5 no school in the immediate vicinitv. ': th.r. will h~ no'r~fu~. ~al!~~tion to effect surroundine properties. II 14. Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided (or the requested use? yes Explain: Public will not use location' " for off "tre.t parkin!, Mi"tleto. Expr."s Service has only two trucka to be' ",..11 for ('.1 ty S.rvl~. 15. II List exhibits or plans submitted: Contract of purchase between Pasco "'ar....tlng lor S.II.r, and MI~t!.toe Expre~s Service Buyer. Property owner(s) signature: J) t ~iffl !Jti! ~?;~ ., i_, Applicant's signature: (, Mistletoe Express Service: 111 Harriaon P. O. Bo~~12~ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma C. C. Franklin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If the applicant is to be represented by legal counselor an authorized agent, please complete the following so that correspondence and communications pertaining to this application may be forwarded to the authorized individual. ' Name of Representative: éil Address: L. W. Cutsch Sa! In.... Kansas Zip Code: ß!&L~- 1 , Area Code: 913 941 Beatrice Ave" Telephone (Business) :___.._823-3708 DO NO'f WRITE IN TillS SPACE' Surrounding Pro[>(?r!y' Zone Use NORTII SOUTH EAS'f WEST -- -------- Character of tþe neighborhood -----,- -,- -, --- ----- Relationship to Land Use Plan ---------..- -" - -..,-.. (Rev. 9/74) '" L !. ", -, ,- .. PAHTIl';'S OESCHlP1'ION PURCHASE EQUlPi\IENT ' ': C LOS (i'\C TAXES :' ;, Ï'. /"'. ,/\(:iU';J.:MEN'I' OF SALE . Í/~ ~-:-r-' J... , ), TillS AlìHEE i\IEN'I' lIIade as of thc. c} 7 - day of t~ lU 1'l , betweell PASCO i\\J\ HI~E'I'[NG, -f¡\.:-ë:-:-lIlcol'pol'ate-di I Delaware, having a busilless orrke, ¡¡t 7!i0 Wt'st lIampden Avenue, Englewood, Colm'ado ilOilO (hcl'cinaftel' ('ailed "SELLEn") and - MIa ~è toe E:(l~e ¡HI Scl'vlce --- III 1I;1I'1'l901l, r,)st Office Box 25125 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73"125 'n__- " a Corporation, --'-'--'-"'-'- WITNESSETII: 2, SI';LL[o;H ugl'!!es to sell und convey unto BUYER by Special Warranty L>eed und BUYEH agn~es to pulThase subject to the tel'nts and conditions herein, ALl- 'I'll AT CEHTJ\[N parcel of land and any buil~lings and im- provements tlm/'cun, SI1'U^ TE in Salina Cóuntyof SaUne , and State of Kansas , deseribed-ã-s--' follows: -,-, -----,-.. , . l,ot :':I:<ty-el¡,:ht (GRI (lnd the Veat One Hundred and Ten (110) feet 1)( Lot Seventy (¡':I) Md Seventy-t wo (ï2) on Ninth Street, GI"Junùu of l~an3as V'culeyan UniversIty, an Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, ~ansaø. ~ " " I UNIJEH AND SUBJECT to all restJ'ictions and casements of I'ecord; unrecorded casements, if any; pady wal1:rights of agreements, if any; , I'eal estate taxes fIll' thç yeal' If! ',4 and subsequent years; special taxes : or assessments fOl' ill1 >I'ovements not yet completed; roads and highways, 1 , if any, local zoning laws and any condition which an accuI'ate and complete' survey would disclose. 3, The I) 'ice is the! :;um'of,Tw(:!.\~~'!y"e 11\Ousal!d and Ol)/l0)--,~_--.::~,,:::: -------------------------Dollars ($ 25,000.00 ) which shall be 'l;ai(flï'yïïTJ\l::ïfï~;:iliJ.ï:ï':I[ as follows:l'wo Tlíousãñ-~--FiVC Hundred and OD!lJ['-~---------,----_h I)ollal's-(i;; 2,50(\:.5'6 ) in eash:'- -- casljTë,:O;;ëï1cck ol:"c(;I:Ùried check payablc-¡o PASCO I\IA IfkETH\'G. INC., upon execution of this agl'e'cment hy HUYEH receipt whereof is hereby acknO\Vleilged hy SELLEH, and the balance in cash, cashiel"s check 0/' certiried chcck payable to SELLEn at timc of settlement. ' " 4, (;;;solinc and othel' pctn,Jelim mal'keting eqll,ipment (including, but not limited to, tanks, undel' and above g/'ouIHI, lifts, dispensing pumps, sign standal'ds, flood lights, air towel's, tirc meteI' gauges, hosc reels, C;\IIOPY lights, ail' COll1pl'essOl's) are not included in this sale and will be conveyed by SELLEH to BlfYEH on a Bill of Sail' fm-m fol' .the SUI\) of One¡¡nd 00/10',I----------------------1)0Ilal's ($ 1,00 'ó ) and '(~the.' I;OO¡~ ¡;I-\;;It'-;'-I;I~, ..onsidel'atio~I;>, at time of seïll(~ment he/:Cundel', 5. Closing hcl'cundel' shall take place on 01' hefore October, 31 , I !)-'~~'-' except whel'e ('losing is delayed hcyond sai(ïd:îtCb);'I'eã'š~"- tlw p '(wisions of P;II'ag,'aph I: of this Agl'ccment, . c, G, All ad valo ,(~l11ta~;',s, rents, othe.' public chal'/;es and a~;:;csslHents and <:h:II'I:"5 fIll' public sel'vicc IIlilili¡'5, shall he I) 'ol'ated between , SI';LJ.EH :ond BtJYEll OtS of !lte d:llc of ~;ellkl11f:1I1. Slate .'c:1I estate ¡, tl'allsfc,' :llId saIl,:; lax(:s, if allY, :;lIall he pOti') hy... "- f~~y~.!:---------- Lo('aln:al cslat" t";\lISfel' alld sales taxe¡:, if allY, shall he paid hy --~}_~J_e~',--___u,u. ' t. i I ' I" I ' I I I ! ¡- 11 ! : TITLE ; TITLE EVIDENCE , POSSESSION I' COMl\llSSIONS . PAYABLE CONTINGENCfES . BUYER'S . DEF,\ULT 'ENTIHE AGREE i\1ENT PAHTIES BOlJND r. WITì\ESS: 7. ' 'itlt~ to"-"id lI'l'l1\i~'J_'s shall' h(~ ¡:¡)()d ;IIHI'-arl;etahle, free and elca.' of ¡III IIC"~¡, elwlllith.'anl'I'S, rest!'ictioll,-; and easements, except those herei"beforc IIIC'nlioncd, and any condition which an aCCUl'atc and complete slll'vey \"(Hlhl disdosc, ' H. SELU':H shal1 dclivcl' to'B~IYEIl within thidy (30) dnys aftel' this Agreement hai been cxccutcd un- behalf of SELLER ami delivel'ed to BUYEH, a Tille Guaranty Policy 01' Abstracl of Title 01' Tol'rens Certificate showing tille to said >.'emises to he iR SELLEH as of a date not earliel' th~n the date of Ihi!; I\gl'eement. ,BUYEH shall, within thirty (:30) days after the rcccipt of said title evidence, notify SELLER specifying in detail BUYEH'S ohj(!clions, if a~'y, to the lille, or, if none, then ,. staling ill substance that SELLEH'S title is sati~faclory, If BUYER'S 1I0tice shall specify ohjediuns to SELLEH'S title, and such objections shall not he cUI'ed within sixty (60) days aUcI' such notice Is servpd on SELLEH, BUYEH may elect to accept the tille as it then is upon iiolice to SELLEH of BUYEH'S election so 10 do within ten (10) days after the expiration of said sixty-day ¡¡e!'iod, [lnd SELLEH shall the 11 convey the premises to BUYEH as hereinbefore ,,'ovided, If BUYE'H fails to notify SE'LLER of such eledion within said ten-day period, such failure shall constitute an abandonment'by BUYEH of ;Iny claim to the premises and thereupon this Agrccment shall, without (¡II,thel' action by either party, become null and void and l'ca!;e to he of any folTe or cffect. If SELLER shall for any I'e;;son bc unable to convey t~ BUY¡';H. a title to the pl'emises as herein provided, SELLEn shall not he under any obligation or responsibility whatevcl' to BUYER fol' SELLI-;H'S failuI'e so to do. In the event this sale shall not be concluded for any I'ea!;on hereunder, BUYER shall immediately r('tul'n to SELLEn said title evidence and SELLEH wì\l immediately retul'n cal'nest money to BUYEH. 9. " " Possession shall he delivel'ed to BUYER at time of closing. 10. 11, If BUHR (Mi!>tlctoc I:xprcss Service) is unabt~ to obta'in proper zoning for the operation of their business at this location, this contract of sale is cancelled and 10~ deposit ($2,500.00) will be refunded.to BUYER ~y SELLER, 12. Should BUYEH default in the pel'Íol'mance of the terms of this agreement, SELLEH shall have the l'Ìght eithel' to I'etain as liquidated' damage!;, all monies paid het'cul\l1c1' by BUYER to SELLER, in which'" event this agl'eelllcnt shall terminate or ,to >l'oceed ~'ith such rights as SELLEn lIIay havc in law 01' cquity, , í ¡! I; 'I \ ~ I, \i Î' 1,1, This a!~.I'celllcnt shall he h.inding upon and inul'e to the beÍiefil of the \: parties hen'to and theil' respedive heit's, pcI'sonal representatives, : successol's ;ll1d assi¡'l1s. ! , "' TilE EXECUTION OF TIllS ¡\(;nEl~;\IENT BY BUYEHS SIII\ LL CONSTITUTE ~I ^ 1'1 On )"I':n TO PllnCII:\SE BY BLJYEH, WIlICII SII"'I LL BE BINDING UPON :1 BUYEH, BlJYEIt'S IIEIHS, PEHSON/\ I, HEPHESENT^ TIVES," SUCCESSOHS¡ ^N\) /\SSICNS, /\ND "'"[('11 OFFEn TO PU!tCII/\SE SIIALL NOT BE . SUB,IECT TO WITIJI)It!\\V!\1. BY BUYEIt UNTIL ,.9,clqbCl:2..t..---19',4___, TillS /\(;nl':I'::\IENT SIIALL NOT BE BlN ) NG ON SELLEn UNTIL EXr;CUTE\) ON ITS BEII!\ 1.\,' BY ¡\ nEPHESENTl\TI\'E OF SELLEn . ¡\ UTJlOHI/',EI) TO DO SO BY ITS BOA HI) OF DIHECTOHS, ¡ IN WITNESS WIIEHEOF tire p<1I'ties hc '(~to have executed this ag¡'eement I af; of the day allli' yeal" fi.'st "l1ov(' \\'I'itten. . /' .' ì , "¿/' " I '\ I'I~~('O 1\11\ nl~Y;;'?!~y('ßv. !\ ! In. ~:/.f/~!{ ('~1' .. /\tte'si ~-'-k~~~fr~t:2---~=~~~~ -- S(!('I"e\;II',I' 13. Therc al'e no .'cpl'csentatiol1s, induc('ments 01' understandings, oral , 01' othel'wise, except thosc as hcI'cin set forth, This ag.'eement embodies the whole agn'('ment of thc pal'lics hereto. ,___~_nJL[T,~:-~;~lVlf;:, --,-, --' /-;ß~Øl;W1:)IÍ/(-1~;ß,~-~- (¡"lolll,,!',II'- ¿,',V . IIMIM,[H or {IGIIIC Ill.; ", : IIIIY"": HISTUTOr. [XP[I[SS SUtVIC[ ~,~--~--',!; ~/,,-,-,-,.g;t:?,:~-~~~ - /'1';/1,'/-, /.J/;<;-~" I ' '- I' ì , r ! i I I I ¡i h !' :1 ,I .: ¡' " i I : ," " c