3455 Vac Linda Lane ,. I" '. t' .'LlT , WS SU~aiLR _~iL5... ()ateFi1('<.I:/o~3>, 'It¡ S:lIina, I::ln~:I~. TO TilE IIOSOll\I\LE (\{t\HO OF r.0~(\1I 55 IOSrRS OF TilE CITY OF SALI~'\. K,\:\S,\5 CO~l'I(SSIO~EHS: lie:', the:' 1111\ll'r~i~II(,", bl'ill!: r('~i,lc-lIt~ :11,,1 pn>l'l,;.ty O\w('r~ ill the:' City of Salina, Kansa~. do hereb)" pclilion }'O\l1' honorable boJ}' 1\>1' the: tJ A C-f.\ 7' 11'1 6-- G~ 1)/ L, I';) {? I ~/ r /::- N b /'t\. I- / )I/D t} j, ifill- Wft.c;, T 'l¿J RAIl, {(tJA f? -,~ Þ ¡;':;o r>¿R. ì- 10 IT E VEl¡'> T' 7'0 0 (.~vE(~.5 {J/--'ADï[<-{<!.fN7- PRO F>i::'RTY II Tru~tillg that the prayers of the petitioners will be granteJ, we are respcetfllll}' A j , - F I LEI) BY~~:':¿«-- (fA-A ,..(~ K.S.A. 12-6a, ¡,hieh i~ the General InproVl'nent a~d Assessment Law, stall's: "Names nay not be wi t hJrawn froJ:1.t he pet i t ions by the signers thereof afler the go\'l'\'IlÍllg bo,')' connellees consiJeration of the petitions or later than seven (7) Ja}'s after sllch filin~, whieheye" ocCllrs first." --ftI- I'M!£; AI>D[ŒSS / II 4u{, (!~~-~--6 2.2 '~:t'(.(! - LOT BLOCK /- IS I ----- - -..1'--------- ----¡\---------- ---- ------- ----- -- - -, - - ----,------------ -------- -,--- -------- -------- - - ---- -- --- - ---- -------'-- II --- -- -.. - ::,' ----- ..-- -- ----------- -- ---- --- -- --- ---- -- ----------- --- -- ------ ---- ------------- ------- ------------ ------- ------ - h_- -----~----------- - - ---, ------- -- ------ ------ -- -- ---..---- - ,--------,--------- - ------------ - ------------ ...-_- ------- ------- ------- fI -------- -'- -----_._---,------ -------- --------,,------, ------ -- - ,-, - ------, - ,.._- -----------_u_-,-----'------- -------,-------,--..-..---- , , -, - - -- .. ---------,.. --- ",-------,-'---------------"--' --,,---------,,-,"-'-"-------' -- ------- ---- --- ___n-.._--" i -....-..----------'-----"'" ,----.. ,----------...... - - - - - p- - -----------..-.. - -------_.., --..---p-- ..----,------- ..---..--'--- ----.....- ..-- -- - .. - . - - -- - - - - , ;, ). n