3451 Annex Township 14 r, -..-' 1'1:1'1 ,IO~ ~mlllEil .~A!:>L IJat~ ri1c:J:_~'fy,-,j.,,\j, :Q~~ Salina, Kansas TO TilE 1I0:-;OIlABLE I\OARO OF Cml'lISSIO:-JrHS OF TIlE CIT)' OF SAJ.INA, KANSAS Ii Cml'lISSIO~EIlS: \íe, the IIIH.lersigncd. being residents anl\ H'OPC1't}' owncrs in the City of Salina, Kansas, .10 hcreb}' petition your honol'aùle botly for the incorporation within the limits of Salina, Kansas, for general cocl:!JereiaL use tQe South Founeen- (14) acres of the East Half of the South~est Quarter (E/2 SW/4) of Section Fifteen (15). Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Three (3) West of the 6th P. H.. in Saline County. Kansas. lying West of the Right-of-way of 1-35W - ,- Trusting that the prayers of the pet itioners will be gl'anteJ, we arc respectfully PILED ¡¡),Allan J. Hocking - , , Rural Route I, Salina, Kansas K.S.A. 12.6a, which is the General Jnprovci'1ent and Assessnent I. a \>1 , states: "Narles may not be Idthdrawn £ron the petitions by the signers thereof after the governing bod}' coe-Dences consideration of the petitions or later than seven (7) days after such filing, whichevel' occurs first." 1\ IJ D!ŒS 5 --- -?:~-~- ~ BLOCK ADIJ IT WN ------ LOT ----- ------- .------------- - -- ------ ---- - ------- ----- .. - ---- - ------- ------ , - -- - --- - -- -- , -_..-- --- ----- --- ------ ---- - ,--..-- -- I ~ ---------- \::----- - - - ----- -- -- ---- --- .._--- ---- ---- ---- -------.. -- - - -~---- .------_. ---- ---.- - --------_____n_-_'-- --- - -,- -- ------- , --- - - - ----------.---, -_..----- ----------- ----- - u_- ------- -- - - ---- --,--- --- ,-------- ----- -------_..,.. I ------------- ..--------------- -----,' ---- ----------,---------- ----" --__,"n__-------- -------,--,------- ------------------------_u--- '-"--""'---------------------- ---_..- ----- ,-----______n--'- ---'--'-------"'-----"---"'--------- ,--..,----_..,----------,..-------,-----,---,-----"""-- ,- " i ì I i , ! - ! 1" ,] I. I i I , I I I I i I I I i .1 fJ