3444 Amend Zoning Beeb's 2nd The Sal ina City Planning Commission deems it necessary to requested belo\'1 as complete as possible, 'PI'evious zoning tabled or den-ice! because of insufficient informùtion. ~~ ('con'" -m""',, 'J;\11 I U \.L 11 t.v'" "" "'" SM.INA, KANSAS 1hisis a general forlilforall rezoning requests: if thc}'(~ is other data, not requested on the form, \"Ihich you feel is- pertinent to your request, please note same: on que:sti on ffl4 and fi 1 e it \'Iith the: form. If more space is needed, please~use the back 1- 2, Applicant's name WayneE. Weeks Applicant's address 505 S. Santa Fe 3. telephone number (liome) (Business) -.---2=.Ci:3B.l.- 4. . Legal property requested to be rezoned: A.. Bl - Addition .RE~)f- RE'phpl_f' ß, bounds 2nd Addition íTdle: If not plattecÇå Surveyor'$"- Certificate-must be (\led \-[Wlthe cation, showing building locations and easements. 5. 6, Area (i~ -square feet (:))'acres) of property 128'xlO~ - 12800 Property O'.'iI1el,1 s name -Wåyne Weeks--and Argel O. Wee1<~s 7.- Present zone and use 8. Proposed zone and use of - propertY~Q-' Local bus..:i..neJ:1.s. 9.-' Is there something sp-ecial (other than o\'lI1e:rship) about the area, in question that makes it more feasible to rezone this area rather than attempt toaçquire proPerty presently- zoned for the of' use intended? Pl1>asespedfy~- Proposed use. for. an addition to. existing: store buildin(LLmmedia:telv_~åut~ 10. Supply factual datasho\'ling need for rezoning in this area _The rest QLJ:Ù-OG)( on both 5th and Santa FJ':- north_to South SL if; zonpd D 12. Are there any restrictive covenants on the p¡^opc.rty \-¡!dch\'lOuld affect the intended use if the property I-Ie\^e rezoned? None (Attach a copy of the covcnants¿¡ndjo¡' clcf',d--rÅ’strict1onsif any ar~ -¡J)etract.) Supply factual data shol-ling the effec:t thepropo$ed. i"oneand use \-lil1 have on present and. futuretraffkflo\'l- No effect since wÉL~rply add..i.ng 11. 13. Hill there be sufti ci ent off-street parking providedfo¡^anl0reintens ive use? Yes- Lots 7 and 8 HolI.illlJi.'--"---Ådd it- i on .to-.N.0-r-t-J~~@d...¡;)..~ -wi"llbe for parking --;~ea : . List exl\"Ìbit~; or plans subullttcd: -_..~.---...---_..---~----------------- 14. Plannin{J )('r,!rt!~ent f\l'vicv/: Initial