3441 Sidewalk Belemont Add r-, I" I'ET IT ION NmlllEIl 341/1 Date Fìled:~,JJJ \'1 I'!~~ Salina, Kansas G ' TO TilE IIO:-;OR!\IILE BO,\I\O OF Cml.'11SSIOSEHS OF TilE CITY OF SAUNA, KANSAS CmI.'1ISSIOSEI\S: We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do"hereby peti tion )'our honorable body for the /N--il!:a IIClf/'N1 of' ~/(,r{.WO l/c, Ú/ Fron t () F /0 t ,5e veo (é'er¡ (/l) cl/'/d th('. ~C)DU 1'he<?sr "Ii (;vc; tC'c-.é (SE~51) c'>F loI5,',rleé'-N (¡(,)¡ 6/',,<,,-,( t'n,'1' Tee/1 Ú3), Ec/e/77ð/J6 /!dc¡',-é ;CV1. Trusting that the proyers of the petitioners will be gronted, we arc respectfully F I LEO BY _L1Æz¿":L C h,¿.5ch K.S.A. 12-6a, ¡,-hich is the General Ir:1provement and Assessr:1ent Law, states: "Nones nay not be withdrawn from the petitions b)' the signers thereof ofter the governing body cormences consideration of the petitions or later than seven (7) days after such filing, ¡,-hichcver occurs first." NA~IE ¿(f~~ c, ß¿'-i<k:.iL- ¡\ODI\ESS EDuJli~()! Sf: '27. :~5 ---- ,! ------------- -------- ------------------------ ----- --- - - --- -- -- -,--~-- - - -- -- --- --- --- ------- --- ------- -------- --- ---------------- ----- ---ç --------- - ---- - ------ ------ -- - - - --- ------- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- ---- - - --------- - ---- --- - - - ------ ------- -- -- - --- ,', ---------------- ----- ---- - , - - -- - -- ---- 1 ~ ------------------- ---- --------~----- ----------------- ------------------- ------------ --- --------I~-- --- ---- i' ----------------- -'------------------- " , ------- ----------' -- ---------------------- ---------------- ----- ---- -------- ---- - ----,¡----"--- ,¡ -- - ---_u---- ~----- - - - - - -- - _-on - - - - - - ......- --- -.. - -- -- ------ -- , - --- ----- - - - - ------- - - ----- ------- " I' I' I I I I i ì I "I I ¡ ,>, ': i ! ¡ . c' "