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3437 Water Service S 9th Street
i\ I, ,~, r", 1'E1Tflœ¡~m1llER, .3,W- Date Filed: /1- J - 1/ Salina, Kansas - {ic/ L TO TilE IIO:\ORAIH,E ßO,\RO 01' Cm1.\1ISSIO:-<LRS ÙI' TilE cny 01' SHIN/\, KMiSAS Cm1.\1ISSIO}:ERS: We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition )'0111' honorable body for the (d~ wl\-rO~- St:R.vl<Æ % ff"'¡ OR, elf[ /n' -ar/t:IJ(I!F ft.? ro 5.' ? II, 57". ii Trusting thai the prayers of the petitioners will be grantcd, we ure respectfully (J_t FILED IIY..:Lk:~"&'=_H:œr"~1l' RI ()f'vi ;,¡ íif(~(R" , K.S,A, 12-6a, which is the General Improvc~ent and Assessment Law, states: I' "Nanes t1ay not be Id thdral,n from the pet it ions by the signer s thereof aft er the govcrn i ne body con.1\ences consideration of the petitions or later tllan seven (7) days after such filing, whichever occui's firsl." I Nt\~1E AI1IJRI5S' BLOCK ADD lTI 0:-1 LOT -------------- ---- ------- i j)1(/('I\'b~.rí"L-,í'¡f ~ OR\JI.¡rJJP~t¿. I ~.!_1~~~-- --- I ! ! ----- " ---- --------------- ----- ------ ----- ------------ ---- -- --- -------- -------- ---- - - ------------ --- -- - -- -------- - - -------------------------------- --- _n - ------- -- , ' ' , ------------ --------- --------- ----- ,--- --------- - ------ - - - ---- --- --- ------ -- --------- " -- --------- ----- ------ -------- --------- - ---- ------------ ------- ----------- ---- ---- --- -- -------- <, -- ------------------ ---- ----------- - -- --- ---------- -- - --- - - - --------- -- ---------- ----- -------,. ------- - - - - -- -- ----------------- ----_u_--- ------ ---- - ---- ------- , , ----------""u, ,--- -- --- ------------- ---------- ------_u.------------- -- ----- --------------------- --- --------- - ----------- ------ -- -- -- --------- -- - ---.. - - ---- ------ --- --- - - ---.----..-------- c' --- -- --------------------- - -.--- --- - -- ----.- - --.--- - -, ---- --- --. - --- ---" - .. - - - - -- _.- - -- -.- ' I ¡ ¡Ii " í ¡ I I \.. , i '! \ \ I . i \ ~ ,. " . .. " CJ ~,~;.,:;;. '<-~»