3436 Amend Zoning Shalimar ..., . .~ APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO TKE CITY ZONING MAP SALINA, KANSAS PETITION NUMBER ,15 ~:3,&, '-----{Þ DATE nUD ~ t'-~/-1i ~/7J("( FILING FEE 125,00- DArE PAID .ic:...::J9-I-í'f KEARING DATE Q.).o.ccJ-~lL \ have the information petitions have been The Salina City Planning Commission deems it necessary to requested below as complete as possible. Previous zoning tabled or denied because of insufficient information. This is a general form for all rezoning requests: if there is other data, not requested on the form, wh i ch you feel is perti nent to your reques t, please note same on question #14 and file it with the form~ If more space is needed, please use the back of the form. 1. 2, Applicant's name Douglas G. Hill '---' Applicant's address 211..4- South Ohio 3. 4. Telephone number (Home)~4322 (Business) 827-9373 Legal description of property requested to be rezoned: Lots 2,3 Block 13 A'Cldition A. Lotl....£..3...!:LJ¡~- Block 9 Addition Sha Ii mar l'laza Sha 1 imal:'_l'laza- B. Metes and bounds description if not platted 5. 6. Note: If not platted, a 'Surveyor's Certificate must be filed v¡ith the applf- cation, showing building locations and easements, Area (in square feet or acres) of property Property owner's name --_.'..JJ,V.Jnc, Present zone and use of property ~~_Hesídenti~___M'ttC¡;¡¡V'1"é 7. 8, Proposed zone and use of property Is there something special (other than ownership) about the area in question that makes it more feasible to rezone this area rather than attempt to acquire property presently zoned for the type of use intended? Please specify The ,lots are less than platted depth due to river riparian and thus mliTdng single rami lyconstruction jmposBible, wher9as. combining lots in a single tract allows o"verall" desi g11. Supply factual data showing need for rezoning in this area -------- 9. 10, 11. Are there any restrictive covenants on the property wh"ich would affect the intended use if the property were rezoned? No (not <:.s...~mm~_~_- (Attach a copy of the covenants and/or deed restrictions if any are in effect.) 12. Supply factual data showing the effect the on present and future traffic Hoad ./!.nd the d_eeign and construct!on of existing streets is_",-dequ~.~~for a11trocipated traffic from proposed development. 13, Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided for a more intensive use? 14. List exhibits or plans submitted: Initials Da te .-$/Æ---- l..'~'ÄJ:t"~.""."),-,;;,"'-fß-:f:">:~")':'~;N',,,,'¡",.¡¡.,j.&!b "J:;,jd'")u!)))')-Ä)h")P"');Ä)')!).H,A¡"~""",¿¡,1..)&';;:¥~'¡;¡,,'i;)~";')~4";i";"~~~\"';;;"-"~::!",);)" "'!'"""'--"". r""""" -...<u.'...-............~'.~... .~.'"..,. ~_f"""_"-",,"'_""'L,,,,__,,,~~~,,~.t.i......._,,~.~}....{_,<.r...'..Ìo. '~~:'...-",,;.,""~~~:- --,' ',;","'-:',' :", '" ~ j ,~:'i ~, ;: ': J:h jJ 1'J.-7~7~ I I (:ç;ç v::~ .! 0;: Æ. : L£. lOb! 14, . fVJMi! 17-", I ð-f.tð, l/f.'fÞ 1¥ 20 ~~.: ,ir .. ,\'.:;:\~:<::~;¡'S -;'~ ;,::~:'. '::C'f:C~S ;:C!, S!:,\:,f:':,\!~ PL,\2A ;'\,~:)l'nG:\, CO:-ls,S'¡'f~r; BLO::;~S 7,3,!), ;~, 1:,12,13, ,\,"J ;i;';';:~:~ I:;¡; CC.U)O,~-~:;L: cr';":' ;.;:-:ï'¡'S ,,;: S,\LI'i.A, ~,\!.I~E COU~'['Y, 1\,\\:5:\5 TIì,;;sc ..;:'.\.';H);.:C;~~S ¡,:,;dc unG entered ir.to this ,I III~' , 197~, by the cnciersigned, ',,'IT~ESS;~'r;-i, ti¡:¡t: ¡' ;m::REAS, :he UJhi~Ysi~¡;~d, bcL",~ a najority of the owners of the lots in Shalinar Pleza Ad¿ition, ~n addition to th~ City of Salina, S¡,¡linc County, Kans¡,¡s. \ŒE~E:\S, the undcrsigr,ed, desire to ;J.1:1end cel""cain restric- tion~ for Shalinar Plaza Addition dated the 1st day of April, 1962, and filcd ;\!.:-.y 29,1962. \'¡]\E~U\S, a najority of the o.\ners of the lots in said Addition ,;- , are enacting these a~c"6~ents rclating to said Addition for the pur- ! . , poses as desired, " , . , ¡ ì\O;~, 'f!lE;{EFO~E, thè undersigned, in consideration of the fore- going preDiscs, and of ¡he Dutua! covenants and agrecnents herein- " .. aftcr statcd, a~d of :hc ~utunl ~cncfits derived ;or to be derived .' , , , do -,c-[cb-y n¿;,'cc that the a~~,end:,~c:ìts shall bc as ;:oi 101-ls: 1. ?aragraph ~o. 5 sh;J.~l be aDcnd~d to include Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6 and 12 in 3~_:~~O; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Sand 6 in E.°ck 9; Lots t, 3, 4. aT'.d"S in Bloc:, 1::'; Lo!:s 4,5,,6, S, 14, 16, and IS in ------- :,". Bloc~, S; Lots 7, S <:i!ld 9 i!l Blod.: 13; Lots 1, <>,4,5,7, Sand 9 in " Jloc~ 12; Lot 9 in Block 10; Lots 1, 2, 3, ~, 5, Ó, 7, S, 9, 11, 13 L:ld :.5 in 3lock 7; Lots 1, 2, 3,13 and 14 in B~ocI", 11 ;::Hi further --- ¿::¡,c!'.C:eå so that an}' of sa:(; lots ;\3Y be use(l for an'y pu~':);)se con- sist(;nt with the uses pc¡-:.;ittcG in Dist'lic;:s ,\;\, A, ì>, C, !)~, D, or " ,~ as ¿csignated in Gn:inD.:',ce ~o, 6613 ;molishcd nnd'¡c::.'fcc-~iv~ on .1\ ~?ril 11, 1962, of the Ci~y of Salina, Salinc County, Kansas, I ' , . , 2. T!IC 7>i foot sct~ack :;-cst'dction with. respec<. tb i!ltcriòr" , :;',r' ' .t ' . , ~ot lines D.s'it appears iT'. ?ar3graph ~o. 7 of said rcstrictions shall' I: , ~" '. ' " ,,~, ", f..,)t "~ :::;:):'i.::;...ale to ::;0$-" ::'O:'s ècSCl-ibcd Í!', P;::ra;!-t':):~ ~v. 1 ;'¡ercot, I "', ;~ ',y II i ~ " .. " r:; i\ .. .. 8. (;1 V;'. ~ . . . : j \ " .j Lot(s) -1~"':.L_:;.J__J-,-2_- :::<.,c:. Î Lot(s) .J~:J ,. OLh~_l__~ Llc-.::, Ó,;) Lot (s) -1.L....3, 4, 5 Block 13 LOllS) 1,2, 3, .;,~ Block . -ó-- Lot(s) 4,5,7,8,9 Block 1<1 Ii Lot(s) 11 , ~ -40 I of 13 Block Lot (s) 15, S 30 I of 13 Block 7 , " Iì Lot(s) 1 , 2 , 5.1 6 Block 11 Lot (s) -}-,~_.2..L_IJ> .LL~, ill od 1.2, 13, :4 11 , ! Lot(s) ~->-.:~-"~ Block Ó, 12 10 Lot(s) ¿~O-'.....9.£.~~ Block 7 6, S ,.' ,. . ,. " < ;, I, - 3 - ¡-..., . t- c. !: .:: ,:\ " ¡ :,C. I>" ' ~J . ..J.'d......Jlc'òrI'.C E_tlwr i~&!.on PRESIDEI'>T "/ ::.E.;':., l~C, ;~y : ~ George E theri.!l&!.°n : PRES I DENT; D-V, I1,C. By: Isl Douglas G. lIill P :<liS1lJE'NT 9 D-V, II\C. ! ¡ I I I ¡ I I í3y : Isl Doul!las G. IIi II PHES IDE;>;-1' D-V, INC. By: Is1 Douglas G. Hill .. " PRES IDENT 7 LARRY 1 S RI a,- I ~C , By: ìsl Gcorge ~~!ter!.ng~oni . PREšTDENT: , ¡ ¡ I , ily: -J..;:J Geor~c Ether ington ..I! ,PRESIDENT, 1,,/ Geor¡:c _p.tM_Tington:¡ PIŒ$IDENT I G i, K, I ~C, I , By: - -- -I s.t .Gcill:~fLE.-w. e. t:..~ q~ ton \ . PRL:>IDcNt ¡ GASLIGHT SQUARE, LTD, '; .¡ By: /" / nollgl'ás ~,-.!iU! . .oil <'RESIDENT' m Ð\\'EST CARPET: A>iD D~.:\PERY, IN, ,,¡ ~, Ie.! Hot> ~IU,LI}~h~1L_- .~.. ¡:>~ESIDENT - -\~~í -J! ;~¡1! ; ,J .~ , . ;~, REALTY ASSOCIATES, INC. A, B. SEELYE CO" I~C, By: By: ,¡ ,. .. .. , - ___--._n -..--------- --_..u- ------- c. . ;8.,; ;,,{i " c. "~\J\J,. , ! 1\,;;<' ,:~ \; J . ,_0'" ' c~i:"\:_,=',:,~.. ,,:!::':ICÙ, OF BLOCKS 7, S, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ¡~ND 14, 1,:::Tf':,t¡ THE COPJ'03J\TE CITY LIMITS OF SAU1\A, SALINE COUì<l'Y, Yilil':SAS These restrictions, made and c;~t~red this 1st day of April, 1962 by George C. EthGrí,ngton and Katherine C, E'ëherington. WITNESSETH, that: 1, \-Ihereas, the undersigr,ed, :Jcorge C. Etherington and Katherine C. Ethoringto:1, husband and wife, <lrG the O'Jl'lerS of all lots in blocks 8, 9, 10, 11., 12, 13, and 1[" ShaliInar Plaza Addition, an Addition to the City of SaUna, Saline County, Kansas. 2. Whereas, the unders:lgcled desi.res to provide for the o:--derly develo¡:m:c:1t of s;;.id real es:;ate as a residential arGo. or dis1;rict, under conditions. and terms whic" will render said area a des'lr<lble ac:d beautiful residential district when fully developed, and which will protect the value of all property in said area for rGsidential purpose: and ' 3. Hhereas, the owners of sa1.c1 addition has or is about to file restrietions relating to said addition for the purposes as dGsired. h, Now, therefore, the uc:dersí,gned, in eonsideration of the foregoing premises, and of the mutual covemm'Os and agreements hereinafter stated, and to be kept and performed, and of the mutual benefits derived and to be derived and do hereby agree that the'restrictions shall be as follows: 5, All lots shall be used for' residGntial purposes except Lots 1, 3, 5,7,9,11,13,15,17,18, 19,Block 7 , Lots 1, 2, 3, 1" 5, 9,10,11,12, Bloc:, 10, Lot 1,. Block 11" Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Bleck 11 may be used for "A" residential or "C" zoning as dGsignated by the Planning and Zoning :board of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, All other lots shall be used for residential purposes, 1\0 building'st,::.ll be erected, altered, placed or permitted to reT.1<,in on any "A" residential lot other than one detael:c:id sin¡;le family dwelling not to exeeed one and one-half stories in heigh'c and a pl'ivate garage for not more than two cars. 6. The miniInum ground floor area of the main strueture. of all hoC1s.es con-, structed in these blocks, exclusive of open porctles and garages, shall r,o'O be less than 850 square feet for two bedroom houses and 960 square feet for three bedrooM houses. 7. No building shall be located (In any let nearer than 25 f~et to the front line, or nearer than 15 feet to any side street line, or nearer than 7~ feet to any interior lot line, except t,:at only a t101',"e foot side yó.rd shall be l"eq\lir(;d for detached garage or other permitted accesso~r building loeated forty-five feet or more from tt,e mini¡¡;um building s¡;d; back line. :;0 dwelling. shall be .1eeated on any interior lot neare::- than 25 feet to the r."ar lot line, Fer t.he purpese of this covenm...t, eê.ves, steps, and open porc~;es sr-,dl not be construed to permit any portion of a building on a lot '00 encroaeh upon a lot o,med by a different ov.7\er. 8. No d,¡ellinr; shall be ereeted or plaeed on any lot having a "idth less k,an 60 feet at the mini.mUJT. bë.ilding set back line, nor shall any dwelling ;be erected or placed on any lot having an area of less than 6,000 square feet. 9. No building' shall be ereeted, l)laced, or altered on. any lot until the eonstruetion plans and speeifieatí_pns and a plan showing the location of the structure have been approved by the arehiteetural eontl"ol eommittee as to quality 01' 110rkncac:sc.ip and materials, harmony ef external design with existing struetures, and as toloeation wit.h respeet to topography and finish grade elevation, No fenee or wall 'Shall bG erected, placed or alterGd on any lot nearer to any street than the miniInuJ11 building set back line unless similarly approved. 10. The arehi.t:ectural eontrol corŒnittee is eomposed of George C. Et.herington, Katherine C, Etherington, Betty L.. Marietta, ac:d :èebert L, Marietta, In the event of death or resigna'Oion of any member of the eo;nmittee, the remaining members shall have full authority 110 designate a suceessor. 'W;) 3n a house has been constructec: on eaeh lot, of this traét only, this committee will cease t.o exist, The co;r.mit~"-e's approval or di~ap;:œoval as required ,in thGSG cOVenë.lhS shall be in writing. In tho event the corr.'I1ittee fails to approve or disapprove \-!í:,hin 30 days after plans and specifications have bee" submii,ted to it, or in ar,y event if no suit to enjoin thG constrLctien has been cormr.ene,ed prior, to the eomplE3tion thc,rGof, appreval will not be rec,uired and ,the related cov,mants shall be deemGd 'to' have been fully eom¡:>lied '"i tho '8 .,)'~, :G, ~ ' ,'<~'~l'~.(C:~,S :O" ~,:1C' ¿~ ctilitios ~~O reserved ,,"'~":,è. ,cJ ;:,"r~oses over \.!~e 1'eao':'4 ' ~"~ each lot or as sho~n on recorded :1or sh;)ll ;;r,y""ir:¡c; be done thereon 1-Ihich ;.1C:y to the neighoorhood. 12, 1(0 ¡~oxious or offensive s:,;:;.11 be earded on upon ar:y lot or ~~y become an annoyance 01' 13, No structure 0:' a T,Q:C.:10rillJ' c'lcrecc'cor, trail,~rs, tents, shaci<, gar~';e, barn, 01' other 0"-::' b"ildL';:c; sc;:Ù: be '¡óòcci or, any aê ~[¡y ti:ëe as a rosjùcnce of place of D"sJ.noss, ei~".el' -:;un"coI'a:'i,ly or [Jermà:1ent,èy, ¡:o 10-::' shai,l or ° tr,Gr i:1c:'nerat,ors or otl1er equip;nen-::' ,'or a clear. and sani'tary co:1di tion, or 1'°ul to;! of Cil',S, or other or rOd in-:ai,neò for ar,y 1.10. ¡:o animals, or ;.ccp-::' on ar,y lot, execpt '.cr.;}\, provided 10['.,,1, t¡",y ;}re no;:, phrpose. ground fo:' rubhi,D", ecr;"uüi n"r5. All !"lateri"l Dr.al,:, be 16, ;':0 individual sys"err, she,;:,l be per;e,i-::'tecl 0:1 ¿¡.:' lot.. 1M, Xo fence, at eleviltions bet1-le~n 2 DC) or to remain on any COl'ne:' area fonc,cd by -::'Le Dûrcc-::' c>roperty lines and linc connect: 2> fee'~ fro!"l the i:1tersection of -::'he street linGs, or in the ease a co,nc,' :~:'om ".che intersec-::'ion 0:' the stree~ property lines Trle SaJn'" ~Ìf;ht-li:1e J,imita-::'ions shall apoly on a:oy ::'01, '<lit,flin :;'0 feet from tc,e i,n~ersec-::'iúrl of a s-::'rcct nroD'lr-::'y line' 1-li th "tho edge of a cil'iveHay 01' alley p;}vemen'~, Ko tree shall be p~r1T,itûe'd to r('maLn ,Üthin such dist,élnces of such im;erseeti,ons un:,e5::; thG foj,iagG line is maintained at suffi- cient height to provGnt obstrueti~o(l of sJ,eh sight lines. 17. ¡io òil dl'illin,:;, oi: or m: ninrc. opera ;,ions of any kind shall b~ oil "ej,ls, tanks, tcnnels, minerDl or any 10-::', No derriek or other stnlc-::'ure des i,g"cd for \:se in gas shall be ereeted, maintained or per~itted'cpo:1 any lot, 'rhoce covGnants and all [Jersons "these eovenan"ts are be aa"tomatieally ext,encied for signeci OJ;) majori.ty of -::'he -::'hcn action of the City Coramission of in such bod;y, aßrecing to ehange :'UT, w:~ tn ë:1C :ar.d and shall be b,endi 1'.3 on all "'-'¡KY.l for a De:,iod t~ei1;;y-fi ve years from ö.f'v"r date ',mich said eovenants shall of 10 years u:11ess an inst:'~~ent owr:ers -::'he lots has been rGcordcd, or by le¡:,al the City of Salina, Kansas, 1-lith -::'he power vested said eoveT~ants in whole or in part. No bni',òinp, snall be plilceò nor soall any material or refuse be on any lot Hi -::'hi,n 20 fci't of "vhe pl'operty lÜ1G of any !,ark or Hater eourse, exccp;; ;:,ha¡, clean fill may ae placed nearer provided eo"rse is no-::' alt,ered or blocked by such fill. l':nforeement shall bG by proeeeò'.:lg at laH or in equity a¡o;ains-::' any "erson or persons viol;)-:;in:; or attemptil1g to vioJ,ate any eovenants ei char to rast;rain violatinG or to recover damaGes. Invalidation of anyone 0: -::'h,:~" covenants by or order shall wise effect any of ûhe other provisions Hhich snall remain in full force and effec:t, IN 1HTN7.SS H¡¡~'REO?, the underc;j,f;ned, owners of all lots in bl,ocks 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, and Ill" Snali;nar Plaza, an Additior. to thG City of Salinól, Saline County, has her6un'to set their hands this 1st day of April, 1962. lib ," , I /) /' ,/- , " 1 II, í:/ ¿~ "" ,-- \ ,.C/;I{,( f 7/a,."c;¿ George~, E"therington~ -j, -:--; , (J (' ,~, -,_::~_U:-"L~~:,-':' \ I" ^at~or~ne C, Dûoerlng"ton i"~ J ~--~ - Ii i, r'\ t' r-""' lJe"¡l!n (;011(;1'(11 ü(' Im(lI'o\'clI.c.'111 /. " ,. , -- .. Ii I' " ,,' t I 'I I I ¡ i I I I " ,', f,