3435 Amend Zoning Schippel Add
I'UTI lOr¡ liurll:U; 3LJ35
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IItAIUNG DAlL ,_.,..._~.L.Lt--',k+-J.jli.,____-
The Sal.init C.iCy Plannin(! COII:llli55ioll (/c(~IIIS it 111'cc'ssitry to ,have the infol'maLion
requested be.tOI'1 as complete as possible" Previous zol1inÇJ petitions have been
tabled or denied boca,use of insufficient infol'l:Ji1tion, .
JCA11()1~ I()i~ At1UlllillitH
10 1111: ClfY WIntle ¡:IAIJ
This is a general form for all rezoning requests: if there is other data, not
requestcd on the fa 1'111 , \':hich you focl is pertinc:nt to your request, plei1se note
sallie on qucstion ¡¡Hand file it \'lith the form.
If lIIore5pace is needed, please use the back of the form,
Applicant's name
Applicant's address
Daniel C,_King
420 North Broadway
3. . Telephone number (lIollle)____~- (Business)
4. 'legal desc!'Ïftion of property requested to be rezoned:
Lot:s ,9,10,11,
A" Lot 12,13 & 14 Block Four (4)
Note: rrnot plaT'Eë¿r;-aSurveyo¡:;-.s-Certificäte must b(" filed \'iÌtlí the applf-
cation, showing build.jng locations and easements.
5. AI'ea (i n 'square feet or acres) of property
Property owner's name'
Daniel C. K~.
7. Present zone and use of property
"A" Dwelling house district - vàcant
Proposed zone and use ofp'l'operty
"D" local Business District
9. Is there something special (othel' than O\'lIlership) about the area in question
that makes it more feasible to I'ezone this area I'ather than attempt to a.cquire
property presently zoned for the type of' use intended? Please specify The
location of the area is moresui.table for commercIal developme~-s=
indicated by the "land use map" approved by the City Comm.issionof the.
CIty of SalIna, '
10. Supply factual data showing need for rezoning in this area Lots immediately
to the South.are presently zoned either "B" or."D" and those to the West
are E!,esently. zoned "c" which would make t~~!:~ area for single
family.residential development purposes in thIS area ImpractIcal
11. Are there any restrictive covenants on the property I'lhich \'lOuld affect the
intended use i.f the propel'"ty \':ere I'"ezoh(~d? Yes.
(Attach a copy of the covenants and/or deedresrrrctlõñsTfãlv- arë-rñ~-iiTfeà.)
12. Supply factual data showing the effect the proposed zone and use will have
on present and future traffic flow, The C:U:Lplan~~,~.~,.dY r:>rovides 'fo£
a frontage street boarding Ghio Street so the proposed zone anèruse,
al though. increasing. the amo!lnt of 'traffic, s~_~~~re~_::l0 fl~J?roblems. i
, I
Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided for a more intensive
u s e? --_.!~:'_._----_.._------,----_.:._-_:..-._------_.
List exhibits or plans suhl1littod: _..~°n.~----"""""""----_._-_._.._.___n'
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