3433 Sewer Riker Manor, Glen " I. I " r-,\ I'EIîTION :-;U~!I\ER ~~ 'I? 3 -, :. Date Filed: 5-jY'7d- Salina, I\ansas TO TilE IIO~OIt"III.E ß(),\HI> OF CmNISSIO~ERS OF TilE CITY 01' SAI.IN,\, KM,S,\S cml'IlSS IONEHS: I~e, th(' IIIhlersignC'd, hdng resi<lcntsand propC'¡'ty m;nors in the Cit)' of Salina, l\ans;1s, ,10 hereby petition )'Olll' honor;1ble body for the Construction ofa storm lower drainage swd.e from the East line of Fairdale Road thru L()t 1, lHock 14 Hiker l1anor and thru Blocks 1'1 and 16 to the North line of Glen Avenue. Trusting tl¡¡¡t the pr;1)'erS of the petitioners will be granted, we are respectful I)' A. B. Seelye Co. Inc. ,1- I'1I.EO IIY ..ç&"k"-j..... II\.-__~.:.'Z:./_-!_"'j/Ct" K.S.". 12-6a, which is the Gener;11 Ir:¡prOVeõ1ent Law, states: . and Assessment "NanC's nay not be \,;ithdra¡,;n from the petitions by the signet's thereof after the governing body eolxnenccs consideration of the petitions or latet' than seven (7) days after such filing, ~'hichever occurs first-" , " NMIE -A tl. ~eelye Co. Inc. _..:,7-t~.!.~t J/"'l,.--'¿. ADOR E55 :.fl- smrth LOT BLOCK æ êk. ADI>ITlO~ --- ----- --- ---- -- ----------- - ----- -- --- --- --------- - --- ------ --- ----- ---- -- ----- --- -----.-- -______n--------- ----Ii --------- --------- _c - - II -------- ----- ----- ~------------- ------------------------- ----- ---------- -------- t. ------------ ------------ ..------- ----------- ------- -------- -------- ----------------------- ----------- ----------- - ---. -- --- --------- ._-- ----------------..-,,- --- ------------------ -- ---_..- ------- ..-------------- ------ --------- -.. ------------- ---- --------- - --- --- ------ -- ..n_n---- ---.------..-- ---- --------------------- -------..-- __n_.."-_------- ----..---.--.-----..---------------.-..--------- I! '-' ì, I I I ~