3432 Imp Georgetown Add /' r-.. :/ I'I;I"IT,ION SmiliE { 3,/:: ,l.- Date Filc...I,:_.?_',:lr7J Salina, ¡;an~;ls I '. TO TilE 1I0SOIv\[II.E BOARD OF CO~l'.lISSIONEHS OF TilE CITY OF SALINA, .~\NSAS cmNlSSIONEHS: h'e, the undcrsi¡'.ncd. hdn!'. rcsi,lcnts ami propcl't}' OI>l1(,\-S in thc Cit}' of Sa I ina, Kansas, do hcreb)' pct i t ion your honorab I e body for the 8" .'lsphal t pavement from the South line of ßrookwood Lane on r'airdale Road to, the South line of ApplewoÖd Lane and also from the Soulh11ine of Brookwood Lane on Be~chwood Road to the South 11ne of Applowood Lane, and 8" asphalt from the East Line of Fairdale Road on Applewood Lane to the West end of the Applewood Lane Cul-de-Sac, and sewer to serve Lots 12-22, Block 1, and water to ser~e lots 7-12, Block 3, Lots 7-17 inclusive Block 1 all in Georgetown Addition. Trusting that the prayers of the pctitioncrs will be grantcd, we arc rcspcctfully A. B. Seelye Co. rnc .-".<: FILED BY___"":Jd¿..._rd.: (?, Ç"Jþ,..')¿.;, ,- K:S.A. 12-6a, which is thc General Inprovemcnt Law, statcs:' and Asscssmcnt IINancs may not be láthdr;lI~n fro 11 thc pctitions by the sign-:-rs thcrcof aftcr thc govcrning bod)' co¡mcnces consideration of the petitions or later thrill scven (7) day,; aftcr such filil\!:, whichever occurs first. 11 N:\~IE ^DIJ~ŒSS ~.i - seeTÿecö-.- Tncl' - ouŒ- 011íö- --- - '<""KR. !/,L;-'-:"-ð'CL__--___-------- tOT BLOCK ADDITION ---- - ----- out? ---- ---- ------ -- ---- -- --- --------- ------ ------- -- ---- -------- ---- ---- --------- ----- " -- --------- ------ ----- ------ -- - Ii ---- ----------- -- -----------~'-------- ----------------- -- ----- ---- - - ------- -- -- ---- --- - ----- --- -_u_---- - ..---- - - ---- ----- ---------- --- ---- ------ ----- - -- --------------- -------- ----------------------- -------- -------- =.~ . -:- - - ~-.: .~-.: - ~:~'. :~: .::. :: ..... .:=-~-~~.~ ...::t..::~ ~..:-. .'.: I :--::~ :~:-..: ," ,', ! i ! i I I I I I i I II ¡ I I, .'