3431 Imp Georgetown Add ^ r--, 1'1;1'11' ION NU~II1Œ ...1' 3 I Pate riled: Ij-;') '-' Salina, l\ans:Js TO TilE IIO:-;ORAIILE IImRP OF CmNISSIO~J:\{S 01' TilE CITY OF SAI,IN". KANS"S Cml'lISSIO~ERS: I: \'le. the undl'Tsigned, being reshlents a 11<1 propen'y Olillers in the City of Salina. Kansas. do hereby petition )'om' honorable body for the 8" asphalt pavement from the East Line of Fairdale Road on Northwood to the South line of Glen Avenue. ' Water and sanitary sewer sel'vice to servo Lot 1, Block 18, Lota 19-29 inclusive Block 19 and Lot 1,ßlock 19 and Lot 6, Block 1'1 and Lots 6-20 inclusivo Block 16, all in Georgeto'lm Addition. " I - I ¡ Trusting that the pr:Jyers'of the petitioners will be granted, we arc respect ftilly . - A. 9;,:See1ye Co. Inc. /' FILED BY__~Al.rA'-d¡-N-)' ~e'<'-j-fil.:>-_- K.S.A. l2-6a, which is the General Inprovcncnt and Assessment La",. states: "Naill's nay not be> Hi thdrawn from the pet i t ions by the signers thereof after the goYl'Tning bolly ('Oru:1ences consideration of the petitions or latel' than seven (7) days after such filing. whichever occurs first-", NA~tE A()DRESS LOT ..:ä 11~ -S~~. ,v.l -2041-:-Soutll--ðhìo--- , -t.£!~-.--,-I'j(-2Lr;¿¡..:¿~:" ---------- ., --------- - ---- -- - ' -------------- - ----- - -- - -- -- --- ------ ---- ----- ----------- -- -- - - ---- - ------ ------ -- _u -------- ---- -------------- ------ -- ----- - - - ---------- ---- ---- -- _____n- --------- --- ------ ---- --__n_------ ------- - -- ----- - ------------- ----------_u u -- ---- ~---- ----------- ---- -----------.-- ------ ---_u - ------------- ------.u_-- --- " ADDITION - -- ---- ---------- ---------- ----~ ---- - - ---- -- - -- ----- -- -- - ----------- -- _..--- -- ------- --- - - un - -- - - ----- ---- -- --- - ----------- ._---- --- -- _m_----'- ---- ----------------- -------- -- -------- ---- -- - - ------.--..u.-.. ------------ --_u_------..---- -------------,----------- _n-u-_---_-----.--------.___--_n_h"_-------------- - ',\:" " ,.