3428 Amend Zoning Hazelwood Add '" " . . i" 1'l.llfiOlINUfmU{ --~,--- ~'i,i:.'1_,------ DM[ I'll_EO - - -,. -- fD.'MI.-')^_ln~u__- I'll_II (; r[l~ $2'.,,00 UA1[lPIII 5'-7-'7'/ "I(."r~., mAl/III<: DAr,l :__: -1HHL Lt_;- ,--(Ji!l :_: ~ The ~~el rural i lan Pia"" i"q CoITnh~ ioll d"l'rl'; i l neccs~.HY lo have the ¡nfarnal ion I'equested hl'.10'o'/ ùS coJrplete iIS possiLlie. Previous wninf petltl0nS hùve been till1led or denied hec,1IIse of insufficient illfon:',llioll. AI'PLICAflOll 1O { NIUH1:,\UIT 10 ll1f CJlY ZO;IIIIG 1.Ii\P SALINA, IJ\NSAS This is iI genel"ll forlll for ùll rclollin( requests: if there is other d,ÜiI, not reiiuested 011 tllI~ fOil-I, ,¡ilieh you (('('I i~, p('rlin(,llt to YOUI' requl'st, ple,lse note Sill:-,' 011 C]IH'Stioll '.It¡ ¡Illd lile it \lith the foro:l, If I'lon.' sp.Ke is nl'cded, plcilse use lhe hilc!; of the forill. 1. Appl icilnt' s nil~:e _llCLL.J...._!:'Iiç}s- - u_---_u_----------------------.:..----- 2. 3. Applicilllt'S address __l~JLOverhilL.EQf\Sl______--_u_------ Telcphone lIur:l1er (IIO:le)__~.?:l-=-~~14______--- (Business) _J!~l.:§_~?_~n_____- 4. Lcgal description of property requested to he rezoned: II A. ,Lot -.2______- Block -- -_J--------,---- Addi t ion _-B~~~_l~~9,d ~ddition [j, ,1etes ilnd hounds description if not plillled -- u- -- ----- n --.. ..- ---------~j\--------------- - -_u- ------------ --------- flole:-ff" ll~rplãtte(j,¡IŠürŸ<'yor-i $-- (e-,:-( iTiCilTcl:ilislbe fTïcd'ï:¡TU¡Uthe- ~;ppïT- cation, sho;-ling l1uilding locations and eaSl'I:1l'lIts, ' ~. Area (in sqllùre feet 01' ilcres) of lu'opel'ty _Lot.. 70_'__x__U_~J170.Q....s~Lt._~. , G. ], Prepel'ty miller' 5 nan:e - ~~D_J. -~I}9. _~a__~'9JJ,~- f.r.!Sl<h _h .. ------, Present zone and u~e of propel'ty -_I2P--_':4.~~,i.£aL_(,clA,!1,tcs nh9.!:!'1..~!d,es 8. 9, Proposed lone and use of property f1::=-_D_eaui:\L~hQ!~=-~:r:..~~~,~!:I_~':_--_u_-- - ---, 15 there sfJ:1:f'lhinf s H'cial (olhel' than OI'lI1ershir) about the area in question that makes it mort.' feasiule to rezone this area ràthel- tlwn attempt to acquire propel-ty present Iy zoned for the type of 1'5e inlended?' Please speci fy- - -- - - -- " -lU:.ea...a.lI:eadv._.has, COIl\I!1eI.Ctal_.rle.\lc.umrrp..llt.._- n____- ------ 10, Supply facluill pata shO:'/Îny need fol' rezoning in this area _'2D_zonina nresentlv limits swall retail establishments fTom corneT lot -4m-wc..l..L ,trav.clc.cL 4~$!:.r.c.e.L.-----_. --~-- ,----- --- - - ---- 11. Are thel-(, any restrictivi' covenants on the propel'ty ,-¡hich Hould affect the intended use if the pl'operty ,';('re reloned? A) Tf>.adV re.7..DIlf'-Í!- to._.DD_____- (Attach a copy of the covenants andf(JI' deed restl'ictions if any are in effect.) Supp Iy factu<11 dil ta shOl,:i n9 the effect the prorosed zpne and use 1,Ii 11 hilve on prt.'sent illld future tra ff ic f1 o;/. _~c.r'Llit..t.le_..-,___- ----~_nn_-_n_n_. 12, ___n______n_' ----------- -- --_-n____--. - -- ----- 13, lIill there he sufficient off-street parkin<] provided fol' d more intensive use? y-~_!? -n---------'---" -- -------____,_nm__________n______-- 14, List exhi['its or plilns subr:litted: ..,..__néL__n ..hd__' _h_-'-_---n___-__----- - _."-H - - -- -- .- --., - n -- - -----..,- ------.-.- --_n...".., - --- ,- -- ------ -...- -----q---- ~ n /} -..0 Y_~ì-:~£/_-;;;:!¿,t~r:-;%, . Pro~!'ty o\;II('r s ~.Îflll,¡tl.lre (/ . ~ £ /---') , I ',- /.:--. /-1 'p'/_Jv,/;//, . , !:-: ---~_/_{-~,é~ -: , ^I'P1 i~ - s S ¡"nalln'(! . I: 1,)1111 i 11<) )('pa I' t";~-n f. Hf'.\" i (:\1: ", Initi,)]., /?r~//.-'- (J.lle ;:'/l/7/- . Ii :' " i ì I \ c I p I ( i i , ¡ ¡ , ,