3425 Closing Railroad Ave i. t. Ii I'I:rlTION NU~IßEH '3 if ),5" Date File":-.:1-':JS~1!j Salina, Kansas TO Tim 1I0:\ORt\ßI.I: BO¡\HD OF CO~1.'IlSSlONERS 01' TilE CITY OF SAl.lN,\, MNSAS CmI.'lISSlO:\ERS: ". II \'/e, the ulHlersignell, being residents and prOpcl't)' OIillers in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the Closing o( RAUROA\) AVI::, through our property, starting at t'RONT ,~)l, east 32~' 8"1~o and through GRANT St,.. .~. : ii Trusting that the pra)'ers of the petitioners will be granted, we are respectfully ,1 FII.!:D ßy~~~~mp~on, Plant tla'n~~_~ " K,S.A, 12-6a, which is tl,l,e General ] ;lprovenent and Assessment I.a\ol, states: "Names ma)' not be "i th,h'awn from the pet it ions by the sign<,rs thereof aft e1" the govC'Tning bod)' con.l1ences consideration of the petitions or latel' tiwn seven (7) days after such filing, whichever occurs first," . I' NA~1r; ADDRESS LOT 606 N. FT~~~~-I BLOCK ADDITIO:-l ----- I, & 13 HORRIS ADDITION BUTLER HFG. CO. --------- ---- ,- , ---- ------- --- ------- --- __n- -------- ------- ---------- ------- ___On' ------ - - -------'--- _____n__- ------- ------ --__,_-_n-- - - ,--------- ---------- ------ -------- - ----- --- ------- -,.._-------,--- - --- ----- --- ------ -- ----'-- n____------ ---- -- ------- ¡ . -------- ---------- ,-- -~- , ' -------- ------ ---- --- - -- -- ----------- ------ ----- ------- n__------- ---- ---,-~---- -- h__- ------- II ------- - -- ------ ----------- -,------ -_u- ----- -- ,------ ,,-- ------- ,---------------- --------------"----- -- ---------- ----- ----- ---------- -------- ,---------------_u- ____n--' ------ --------'------ ---------------- ------- ---_u_- ------------- -'--~--- . " --- -- ---------------- ------ ----- -----~-- ------------- -------,--------------- ," ' ..-- ----- --- -----' ___-n'-- ---------- - ---------..,------------ ----- -- - --- - ..-- - --- ---------------..- -------------------------'u_--'------------------- --------- ----- ", i' , . ¡: 1 ~ ' 'c, , . . ' ..-] ;' ..: . --