3424 Closing Spruce Street n . ,r--.. PETlTIO~ Nmmlilt lifl..:¡ Date filed: ,J- .';1.3 d Salina, Kansas '/!.-- !, TO TIlE HONORABLE BOARD OF CmI}IISSIO~ERS OF 'rilE CITY OF S,\I.I:-.IA, KMISAS cmNISSIONERS: We, the undersigned, being residents and propel'ty owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the closing of Spruce Str~et fro~ Chicago S~ree~ ~ the first alley c~st, a distance. of 257 (plus or minus) feet. Heason: Gibson's wishes to enlarge their store by ,approximately 44,000 sq. ft" joining present. building on the nor~h side thereof. " Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are respectfully ('/8~(\'1.11;; P/i<J¡)uCT5. eo. ó r-- 5"'i£/-1I/J ~ /.vC FILED BY~_~_~-~Y2-, f-,~r/lL~, K,S.A. ]2-6a, which is the Gen~vcment and Assessment Law, states: "Nanes may not be \Üthdr.llm fron the petitions by the sign('rs thereof after the governing body co:r.r1ences' consideration of the pet~lions or later than seven (7) da)'s after such filing, ¡;'hichever occurs first." ì 11 LOT BLOCK ADI) TIO~ -- -- - - -Í..-- Holiday 6 Holiday ADD;ŒSS NA~IE ----------- -- -------- - ---- " fHE Si.LINA hUILUING CO~ \NY lOO~ S. Sante. Fe, Salina !JJ.. -;~-,--Z~-~~~;;(_" - "'--'~--=-- _" --=- ft---- - -- ALL ---- ------ --- .- - - -- ---- ------ --- -------______h- --------- ,-- ----- ----- - ------ ---- -- ---- ---------- - ..-------- , - - ------ ----'- ---- -- - - ------- -_..---- .. ,~_..-..------ -- - ,-- ------ -- ------------ --. ,,---------- ------ , ------------ - - --- --- ------~------- -- -- -- --------- -----------~- ------- .--- - - - -------------- ---- -----~--- ---- ---------- --- ---------- -- ---- - - ~---,- ------------------- -- - --------- ----------- ---- ----- -- - - -- - .---- - ,------ _____m- ----------- -'------ - .---- -- - --- - - ___n- ---- --------,j. ' ----_u ---- ---,--- ----------- .----------'------ - -- ------------,------ ,------- ------- ----'----- -------- -----,-----_._-- ---- ----..---------- --- - ---------- - ----- ,---- ------------------------ ----------,-------------------- -------, ---- -,---------.------- ---- -- --- -'----------- - - .-------.. ---..-------,-.---- --- - ---------1.---- -- --.- --- -"-- --- - -- - -, \, (, !i 'I. 1-- I 1 , ,-,