3421 Exit, Entrance S 9th St " Ii I"""'- ,/~' , ;, j . , I'ETlTIO:--: N\J~:BEI\ 312 I Date Filed:- (\~i..L-l11~ Salina. Kansa~ ' TO TIlE IIO~OHAOLE 110,\1\0 OF Cml'IlSSIONEH5 OF TilE C lTY OF 5:\1.l N:\, KMISAS Cœ.{\ ISSIO~rHS: He. the undersigned. being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, \10 hercb)' pctition your honorable body for the construction of a (~ll exit and entrance, ]0 feet in width, o~to South 9th Street, connecting South 9th Street with~[f PLACE -- Street at a point __1J80' - feet South of the intersection of Ha<]nolia Road and South 9th Street. This location Is opposite the entrance to Mid-State Mall parkin~ lot. Trusting t~at the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we arc rcspcct fully ~ ' , PIJ.ED II\', - ~L-' " ran~~^ttorney (or Star Grain & Investment K.S,A. 12-6a, which is the Gener<ll Inprovement and Assessment J.aw. stales: Inc'. "Nanes lIay not he Ililhdralm fron the petitions by the signcrs thereof of tel' the governing bod>' COIT",ences consideration of the pctitions or l"ter th"n seven (7) da)'s "fter such filing, ,,¡~ichevcr occurs first." -_____.!'!MIIL,_____---- ____~!-DI~t1:??__---,~ LOT IlLOCK ADDlTIo.' .....£.... 0 . _.ßo.x -5..8... Kans, " -is- K~Ll!ÇB~- 9 9..t..<u:._~,;J:,AiIL_L.ln.Vc..st.man.t ,- ,-----------"-'--- ---,-------- ----- ------ -- ,--, ----- --, ---------------------- --------------------- --- ----- ------------------- ---------------------- --- ----- KENNETH W. WA.IIEAMAN --------------- -------- "'HO""" A' LA~ .'5 50v'" 8M.,... " '------ """". "AM" <...01 --------- ----' 9" 0.,.3000. --- - -- ----------- ---- .....OC....O ~",. FIIANK c- NorHON "'"°.",, A' lAW ----------- -- ------------ --------- -- ----_.--~-----'- ,'.' .---------------.------- -..---------------- -------- --- II ,-----------------------'---..' - ----- ------ - --------- - - -- --- ------- , ' ----- - --..-------..,----- .-- -- ,-------- ___n_- - ------ ------ - - ---- ------- - - ,----- --',-------- ----.. --------------------- ---- ----- ------ - ---- ---- ----------------------- ,----------------..----- ----- -- -------- , ' , ' ----- - ---,--- ------------- ------.-..,------- --,- ----- -,----- , , __n__--_- -------------,--- ----------,---_._------- ------ ----- ------ ------.._-----------,---------- ----,-----------_.--------- -..--- -------- _n_n_----' ------ --- --- - --n ---..,---- ..,-- - u ---- ----- -"'"'-"'-- -_..- -..-... .-- ---- - - -------.. - - _n ---- - --'- - ---" i ~ \" I ! " i , ¡ h I . ' ¡ i I I I I I 'I I i I I I I I i I i ! . L 1 ¡ j ¡ I ¡ j I ¡ i I r: I/) J: t- 2: 2: N PETITION NO, 342\ Ii IJJ U c:( .J 0.. t- IJJ Y. a: c:( ::E " I' - PARKWAY: -I I ! :I " Ii