3419 Amend Zoning Pacific Add , ' c' .""' ("'. , AI'I'L I CAlI 011 IOi{ ¡,num:iil!l 10 lilt CITY m:wll; 1\.'\1' , SIlL IfIA, I:I\I:SAS I'UI1IOII I'U:'~I\Œ '(\-' ___~'lLL 01----- n- ' 11M I: 1'1 I II) . u -- v.-,~;,.L~ Ì\-' q 'I u w_- rlLlrHì ITr _~2_~:(]O, J^ll I' IO;U';:!..'1~llLl611'/{ IIEAHIr:G DAlI: - In!} ,(__~/, 191Y-__h'- The lIetropoliliJn "I.,nninQ Co,'nission dccJ:òs il necw;sary lo hav\' the information requested belo;1 ilS co:1'plete ilS possihll-, Previous 10llin9 petitIOns h,,',e been : tabled or denied hel¡¡USe of insllfficipnt infolï1clt ion- lids is ¡¡gener.11 fonl for all relonill9 rcquesls: if lhere is other diltil, not requested on the fO1111, \¡hich you feel is peI'Linrllt to your request, please lIote sane; on qllestioll #11J and fill' it \'lith the fol'l'I. If n:ore space is needed, please use lhe (hIe!: of lhe fom. 1. 2, , <',,\ Applicanl's nùl,1Q -,~~~._~!..C!!~1:1..__..,------, -,--,----- ------------- ------ Applicalll's ilddress _~19__R.~!~_~~i_____------ --U_____H____-------'-- . , 3. 4, Telephonc IMber (IIO~1C):--_}_2.'!!' _um--__-'- (Uusincss)--_JJ~}'!_-----_.._.-- Legill description of p!:operty requesled to be rezoned: ^. ß. Lot _~:,,4":L,_____-- Uloe!: ----~'------------- Addil ion _!~~_r~~_!~~~~~!!,- r'~cles iHld 1J0unds descl'iption if nol platted - ------,-,~--_..._- ------- ,---------------------'--- - ____..n-- " .--, -___,__n" - -------.. ,------ - ------- 5. 6. Kóte: !(,j'o'Cp I ¡¡fled; ¡¡--SII I' v"eÿõïJs" Ce-I,U(¡ciitéIIUS t b(~-Tned--¡:in:h thc- 'a-p-¡¡If- cation, shouin9 building locations and easclI:enls, " Arci! (in squòre feet or acres) of property ..----17,5~O- squ-:-:! fel!t_~- ..,__n- FraMc1. J.Gerre11 ---__--_Jl Property O('/I1cr 's nùlT,e ,-- -------- ,--_u_-' -----------"- --- 7, 8, f'resenl zone and use of property _!!~w~_!~~1Y--~~,e.ni~-,-~~.~.:_-~-~_...!~..~t ti- " .- Proposed lone and use oJ properly , ~~~~~ra~..~.ift~._~~~~e--~~ .t~!"~-- 9, /I Is there s01:('thin9 speci¡¡l (other than o\/Ilership) about thc area in question that Icakes it rrore feòsib1e to relone this al'ea I'dtllel' than òtle;npt to acquire property presently lon~d for the type of use intended? Please specifY',_Exp~_8i.. .!f ....iJI..~_~_e~_.!'~oup~!..-c 1'.b 1:~_,:,~_~. Bert~~~a__~!..aluÜ!--:..ed E.. () 10. Supply factual datil sho,¡iIH) need fol' rezoning, in this area _..,------ ------- ' - - --- -, ---- "----,,- ,____m' Ii 11. lire there any restl'ictive covenants on thc propel'ly \"hiell \':auld affect the . i ntended us~ if the propcdy \,¡ere rezoned? ¡{It (fltlach acópy of the ,çavenilnts ¡¡nd/ar deed -r'c'stdcl loÎls--f¡--;¡-ny ar-c-iiî-e-{fíicl.) 12, Supply factual datil sho',¡in9 the effect the proposed zonc i1lHlusc 1,1i1l h~ve on pl'esenl and future traffic floll. - .... H" ftOIl4!_____-- ----..- - u_- --- - ----- ,.... ' -- - u"..__n- , - - -- ---..-- - 13. ¡'¡in thpre be sufficient off-stl'cpt Pild:ill{J provid<>d for a narc inti'nsive 115e? Ie. ,- '.n ,..- ,,----" - - - -, - - - _n ' -----._,..,,---u- 14, \ ~ Lisl l'xhibils or plilf\s suh':1ittc'd: -- -- - - ,..' -- --- u_-, .. - ....-.... ,-- (d -, ,~' j} t2¡ éI ef V,/1«.:.t'¿D«2 I ,..Jb<M,uL ' I'rop<~I't\'( "':I:'I":,~qllallJl'(' " J!/ ' . ' ,,'::-~tl:'~'tf~-~,~J.- ~§~V¿(¿() ¡{, íÍ\ Cow t s S íÆ.,,¡ t m'l' \-. " ("/ I'liHl:1:l1q ),'¡"1dlli'lil 1~,,-,..i(\l: !lIi, ials ~ D,1!e ,1.1-',:$.14. (,