3416 Trespass Smoky Hill River ¡.. I : , ; I'Ll I r 1011 t¡U:ŒrR - 341~ Date filed: April 2; 197-1 Sa I i na, K<:Jnsas I'ETITIOr-: ì¡ \ye, the ul\ders i ßlled property owners of Sal i ne County, Kansas do respectfully peti tion this COUt-t for l'!!l ief ft-om ulllm,¡ful trespass, to-Id,tl \,11 ER EAS - 1. Thr! City of Salina did request the U. S. Army Corps. of Ellp,ineers to present a flood IH"otectioli plan, and \"HERE¡\,:) , 2. The U. s. Anny Corps of Engineers did present such a p Ian and ap,reed to const I-UCt: same, and \yIIERE¡\S. 3. The U. S. Anny Corps of Enp,ineers did rcquit'e the City to make certain provisions, as tollows- 1. I'I"ovide I>'ithout cost to the United States all lallds. easements, and rights-of -I"ay necessary for the construction of the project. imEIŒ/\S, I,. The City Furnished such assurances wi:th Resolution No. 1687 whi.ch "'as adopted by the City on :-~ay 8, 1956, \VliEREAS, 5. An important part of the flood control plan called for the trans[cl" of approximately forty-five (115) square miles of Dry Creek ",ltershed by way of a di version channel to the Smoky iii 11 ri.ver east of l-Icntor, Kansas, the plan outlined an area I,here the City " " should acquire flow-\\'ay easements from landowners affected by this transfer of water. al~ \'¡IIEREAS, 6. The City fal led to fulfill i.ts agreemeJ1t to acquire f\\oh'-I,¡ay easements' and protect the undersigned landowners, ~~e nOh' do respectfully submlt that the Ci ty should be requit-cd 'to slto'" cause ,,'hy" this lr~,")ass should not be terminated."_", ).,' ' , ",) " , / ~~:-.\ i: ¡: -_.S\(y\,"¡" J-l11.~1k~__--- , ;Y;~'r.;.( ~ ,.:1-,/,,/ í'(~:J,L_,- /fir,' \062-, '¡£f:::.¡t'J '5:~--~ )~ø:: 7L,/f~N.;,Z-.Q )~ e. - /L' , ~I , ~'/ U rD- 1'-'" L: "h'. -- h~_-ß' ~'--'-~- -:,Sj2~--" h,c'- ?'7'7~;l-(.., -'--- :' '~(~)-}'íf'_:L<.,<:;l/¡;<~-' - ~<P,~~l¿,--' .(1 ,,~'c~----- /? ",~ ' &' (' ,) ç' I' ('. ~' t¿~-1~~'-l~!;/~-_- - ~)' t J, ~.J......L :.J.~Lè:- ~'-.-:- _--:. . } /)~ 1"'-- ' ß -- I! 'l:1dLJX,-, /.- ~ ---1IM~Ær""1¿;F_,;;:-~~" ,. /' -¡ . L, i, i I I I I J I I I I \ I í I ! i