3413 Amend Zoning Edgemere Add - . (. !, ',.... r:- !'ITlII!':!':!'::¡:II: ,5l 15 " II^,! I II III, 'rli;".J,: ¿ < i<\',1 'J~' .' ,: ' 1'1111:1; III. ;"/.~,,.,!,lll, 11,\11. "Alii :q§ 1/.; Iii?! , 1II!d:II.:(;lIr\~I\)\\..LLJ-~7)..Lq,1,_.. '.>::;:> 'IIII' Si,lilhl Cily 1'1 ill/II illli C(lll:,i~,:,h," \!Ul'l:; it. IIl;l'('~.~..II'Y to 1I;I\'p III!: ,illfl11'Ul.1lioll I'(:qul'~.l('d "1'.10\1 il~ no;¡:!'lc!¡: .1S pw,:,ihlp. l'l'eviow, IOlliIlÇ ,,¡'lili'ulI~ h,IVl' heclI lailled (II' dl'lIil'd 1"'C.1II:,1.' of ill~,lIffi(Ìt'lIt illfoll,:,11i(,", ,r--.. fII'I'I.IŒIIO:¡ 10i: n:lr:p;;11I1 101111 CII\' /Oilllll; Ii:¡ ' SA!, If{I, 1'j":~,{,S lids i~. .1 'I ('Ill' 1,11 furl:' ful' .,11 reïollilH I'cqll('~.I~,: if llll'r¡~ is'olhcr tI,ll.1, nol )'C'qll(:sted im I"" 1'01'111, I;hicl,'}'o!l fecI is I('dillcHI 10 your reqlll'sl, ph'.lse ,"ole' SillI:e 011 qllesl ioll UI1 .1l1d file it Iii tll lhe 1'01'1,1, , If l'Iore Sp,1CC is nec(k'u, Idease use lh!' bilek óf tile form. l. 2, ^PJlliC.1IÜ's name ~B.o,h.eLl ¡¡ - ~-' _J\i},vJre¡¡ n -'" ----,~--,----- ^pp I ic.1I1I' s addl:esš Ü~ 5.Q.\!1l1-.5th.,_SilU[l{l,._1<Qn~Q.~___-------,-------,------- Telephone ntllilbel' (l!o~:ch!LJiU-.1S35--_--u__- (Bllsilless) ~?J$.J!.v.:l77L___--_.._---- 3. 4. ' I.c9,11 (lcscription of H'opel'ly reCjIll'c,lcd to Ile rezolled; 1,2, lots_52 & 53, Block 6 ^.. Lot 7 8 9 .10, II,I~lock' Mùilion Edgemere and ,lot,120&-~r---- -- Block -S-- ---,--,--,-,u ,_. - -rdgêinê'r-ê "--- ,- -- -- ß. r:ele5 i1IHIIÌJound5 de5CI'iplion if not pli1lted :_~I~t_t:~,--,--,---------, --- ,- - ' -- - --- -----,-- ------- ,--,-,-, - --_u,--- -- --,-------, - ,- - - --" 'r:ôtC;---ÚnëllpTÚlcd'---iI S~I¡'\;(:y'OI- "S--C'é'I:Crf k¡1 Ú:"r:'lIs C fie rn êd Ii i lIÎTIÎê ',î pJllf- c,1lion, ShO;'/iIHJ building locali("I~ anu ease;:\(>nI5. ' !). flreù (in'sCjuiJre feet 01' ùcrcs) of properly _lH.77.o-...J.Aj>PJ..9}<ltn_a~,l¥,-3_8.ç~ru- Propel'ly o:mel' I s nùme -'Jack ,8.. _&..,R.oheLta,,}~.KaY.fJ'Jð.!L¡UllLJJ_qjn...e_.l'_.- Oe!!9J.~_- " Wi I I iam M, Reimold . P,,:spnt ZOiìe' õiìd i6e oí Ptûji'::ïly l,one,':':::':':...'.'~~::-JS- Y<oJ£an~.!QtL&_One' Hous~O~_~th ~,ot G. 7. 8, Proposed zone .11)(1 use of properly --~_e_ta_iJ_,~~_I~~_~<?~ec!_~~,Q'.~ -------,----~ Is ll:el-o: sú;:~('thing sppcial (othcr lhùn o',;nership) alout lhe arcù in f lIcstion that "'<1I;es it n:~ri' fe¡¡r,iIJle to reLone this ¡¡rei! riltlH'l' th¡!n o1ltP ',pt to iI~f lIire property ",'csenlly zoned for lhQ lype or' use intended? p"eilse spec i fy- 9. 10. ,~ZQ1Lln9....J:illL.2.uQ\:L.il!I~tloj)Jllent u-- --- -----..- ---- -- - ---, ---------- __m-----__- Supply f¡¡clual dùl.1 s!IOI/ing need fol' rezoning ill this area ,l.h~:~~-'Q,lL¡He_nQl _~!!L~i!~L~..l.Q.r_Jl.Óf.:1_~s--þ,Çç,~use of the ,Iocatiqn Qn"a mil!.1l traf.fJc, art~JY,,- --,_.. ..-- 11. {II'e there ùn}' I'csll',ict ivc covenitnts 011 the: pro~)('rty I:hiell 1':ollld affect the intended use if tlie IIi'c,pe,-!y \':i~I'C I'f'zonc'd? a (IIlti1lh ¡¡ copy of lhe covelli1nls .1llò/(II' dceiï17êš[¡{ct¡õïïsTr¡iïïŸ"'iïr'é.-1ñ¡;ffcel.) Supp ly fùc tll.11 cia la sh:l\-:i :HJ the eífec l the propo::.ed 7-one iJnd usc IIi 11 h,we on p,-csc'nl ilnd futllre tl'ùffie f1O\/'--Sho\JH_hilY~.l..U.L.lJLQ.L.nQ. eH_ç,çL9!Ll.f,ilf.Uc flow, 12. -,--,----_.., -, ,---~-----------,~----, - \-' -- --------, - - ...------- 13. \,Iin therc 1)(' suffiei(~nt off-~,t '(~(:l parking IH-Clvidtd fnl' a UOI'C illtensivc IIse? ,'ie.s, a p,ort ¡on of lots be i ngJe_?Q.Iloi.c!_'!:i.9J.1J9"'þ.,Ç_I,L~Ç!t.f.9.r:._0.fJ_,gLÇ~,L!'_'!r:15 Lng,,- ]11, List ('>:hihits 01' p1.1I1<; su!>::iÏ!t(,d: ----- _u.... ,-,- -.. --...., ..------..----- -,-- -, " Ji:i,~?~~:"¡:~~;¿~ " ,. . G? ~ ,;~ ~',' ~~~.~~ 'r°I','I'ly (¡:!IIt' ':. :,I'llIoIlt" . II ' ,}n."". :. :.I';II"tlll'~ j),- ,:£Jï~ ~'; '" ~~,U ~ II ß 11,01.. J~~~-~ -/ </ , i I ! I I ¡ i i I ¡ I ¡ ! ! I î , I I I I I I , '