3412 Vac Street Edgemere Add I: , .. 1\ ! j i i . , \ .- .' " í' ~ ( Harch 23. 197!¡ I'ETITIO~ NmlllEH -- 3~1~- Dat~ Fil~d: (f\().}..1.1". IQ'1 Salina. I.allsas TO TilE I'O~OR¡\ßLE ßOARD OF Cml'IlSSIO:-¡EHS OF TilE CITY OF SAL1~A, N\NS/\S ¡: .' Cm\'\ ISSIO~EHS: ; I í Î ¡ II ! I ¡ I ¡ ¡ i , ' \~e, the"undersigneJ, being residents anti property owners in the City of Sa lina, Kansas, do hereb)' pet i t ion your honorab I c 110")' for the vacat Ion of Cypress Street located between ~IIIow Drive and Blrçh Drive in the Replat of Edgemere Addition to the City of ~allna. Saline County, Kansas, Trusting that the, prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we arc .. respectfully - ~ ~ 7" 6. ".'w" . I'I1.EO ~~ I;! .d1Lt'J-- '~:1:c,:~ I, k-:Å ,A,' 12-6a, whi'-:h is /¿e General Law, st:ttcs: ,,' ,-) R,obert"a S, ~aufmJ¡;I J -' ( /C ¿c.{...u~7.._-"-- ~. ,(C.-«-^"O/Þv-LV"'~ ]r:¡provcl'1ellt and Assessment "Nar:lcs r:¡ay not be' wi thdral.m fror:¡ the pet it ions by the signers thereof aft er the goverlli ng bod)' corunences constdetation of the petitions or later than seven (7) da)'s after such filing, whichever occurs first." BLOCK ADD]TIO~ Re lat 10J Edgemere /< NMIE ADDltESS 1.0T /.~-c-/(~-j5'l-"rt-.-:;~ ,.....';" ~- -----_-c -- . ,ß,~t '~¿(,;--L_5.., k'.':!{/...¡~~~.'~ -)L~~<;:stvi~~!..u~al in~ 10 .~... ./it:;;:. '.-;1'~ ,..:::ø' ., , =-) ð ¡ufJ":"~ '--- -'" , 1(. ,,-^^-L~ <V-- " u~'____','__- (~~5¿ ø Æ <>-':,g-"ww,- Ji~:~~::ffX'-:-',,~:.::Ú~"'--- " -~-~----- -'L__ul,_- ~~~-(>._~~ ~~, _~--_--'_'____~'__- ßL_- 5_--- -------- ,G_,':""')-"'- ß Æ./ ~-----y-,~ ..1......./ " C1'. J.:~{>Uk~Ù,,_~.!k2~~;>---.,. ~----------~- -~--- 5_____".~~~ \I " ". " " " " --,-- " " " - ----- - -------- ' --- ---------- - ----- ---- ---- ------ - ------,---- ------ ---- ---------- ---- n__------------- --- ----- ---------- ----- --- II --- ------- ------ ----------- ---------- ----'- --- -~-------_.._--' ------------ -- --- ------------ ------------- --,------ ------------------ ---- - --- - -- - ---------------------- ------,---_____n_'---- ------- - -- ------ ------ - h_----- - --,--- ------------ -- ------ --- --'-' - -__--___n' ------- - , ------ - h__- - --- --' ----- --------- -,--- ---- .---- ,-------------------- ------------_u_-------- ------ ----------- ----~-- u- ____'h_-- ------- _h_- ,---- - - - ---- --' - -- - ,------ ---,--- - - ------------'-- -,..------- ------ -- -----______m - - -------- - --- - - -- -- -- -- --- - - - -- ------ h..- -- - -- _..-- -- - --- i' I I \ i I . \ . \ \ I: , ,. .'" " " J" \ I, Ii ¡ . r\ Town & ~ou.ntry Agency (íifø \!'[H RIAlIOR ,., " RNI J:S/<I/C, JACK KAUFMAN RoaER1A S, KAUFMAN. RUllor " 119 S, 5th, BOX 935 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 PHONE ... 19131 823.3777 Harch 2), 1971t I \ - ! i I i t To The Honorable Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas COMMISSIONÅ’S: Attached find Petition for vacating approximately 210 feet 0(, Cypress Street, that being the portion located between Willow Drive and Birch Drive. ,. In the event you do favor and grant this petition, the undersigned property owners would deed to the City of Salina Lot Four (It) in this same Block One (I) to provide access to Centennial Park, since the vacating of the requested area of Cypress Street would eliminate one of the available accesses to said Centennial Park. Respectfully, "" ~ v6 ¿$ r~--X~" é(~?, -L~~~s' !f;!~ Jack B. Kaufnan ,. Roberta S. Kaufman . RSK/ j I c.: Enclosure ,. , ~.- .. O' ¡ ~, -- I: '\ '\ i , i' ¡ i \ ] \ t. i: ¡ i I, '> p