3411 Amend Zoning Key Acres Add " , . APPLJ eM 1011 I Ol~ M1i:fIl1I1CNT TO Till: CITY ZOnING riAI' SALINA. MNSAS . PETlTlOf1 NUrIlJU: 34/1 DA1I !IILI) r-J'fI;¡<Å-J~:J~2T'-'--'--~ fI LJ NG ['[I: _$!J;-,_CJ.O- DATE PAIUJ,:-17-7{/ f.lÝh3I:;z..~ IIEMIUG DA: L \YìaJ..,:j "l .-Lnif-_- The Salina City Planning Commission deems it ncc.åssary to have the inrolìllation requested be10\'l as complete as possible, P¡'evious zonin9 petitions have been tabled or denied because of insufficient infonllation. Thi s, i sa general form for a 1.1 rezoni ng regues ts : if there is other da ta, not requested on the form, \'Ihi,ch you feel is pel-tinent to your request, please note same on question #14 and file it with the form. If more space is needed, please use the back of the form. 1. Applicant's name 2. Applicant's address WJ "LJ.; A fi4 ~ ::; 't rI t/Þ£! f). o,f' 7 /Po ¡:¡c l-J 3. Telèphone number (Home)~.z 5'Df'3'1 (Business) -- 4, . legal description of property requested to be rezoned: A.~ lot~~_~~ Block ;;20 -- Addition I!q Ac.Re:> A-Þb B, Metes and bounds description if not platted Note: If not platted, a Surveyot's Certificate, must be filed \'Iitll the appli- cation, sho~ing building locations and easements. 5. Area (in 'square feet or acres) of ptoperty ---R7 87 ~ f1, r 7, 6. Property owne¡-'s name ' {I//Ll/4fi- J' STPV&'.{I 7, P¡-èsent zone and use of property~__-~tS,,-e_j)rS+)_VAi:fil\l1 8. Proposed zone and use' of p¡-opetty R (jÚ)() /y(jJ'NjJj-~f~~JJJUfkv 9. Is thete something s~)ecial (othet than o\'me¡-ship) about the area in question that makes it mote feasible to tezone this al'ea rathet than attempt to acquire property pres&ntly zoned fot the type of' use intended? Please specify__- TO, !4.ft( - H-~~ ~, Supply factual data shOl'ring need for rezoning in this area ----~- -------- 11. Are thete any restrictive covenants on the property \'Ihich \'lOuld affect the intended use if the ptopetty \'iere Tezon('d?__a'.C!_---------------------------- (Attach a copy of the covenants and/or deed res t ri c t i OilS if any ill-e in effect,) 12, Supply factual data showing the effect the proposed ,zone and use will have on present and future traffic f1O\'I'--Æ..bÆ£_____--------~---_':""'_- ----, '--~-~------------ 13, \,J-i11 there be sufficient off-street pa¡:king ptov'¡dcd for a mo¡-eintcns'ive use? 14. list cxllib¡ts (n' plans submittc'cI: --------------------------,-----------------------,------------, ----------'..-----------_.._,----------,-----,--_.._---------,------------ --'-_"_"--_hm_----_--,,------------- ""_..--m,,-- '1'¡'np'(:¡;L'yO'.IIII'I"~;'~',i'lII,lllll'" i\'I'plild"I.',,<,j';ll;,111Il" l'I"I'~I~':I""III'~1,7'llll""~111/""\'1"""", W~l)~ ~ì.~l,"'1 Inlli"I', \¡'~ I¡df" 3-15-71 / i , ~ ..- "t.wu,--~,-"-,4¡;'¡,,,-.¡ 'do'" ~¡"', ,~- ",'~'¡--' ,', ¡~iÆVW¡~'\:'w,'"i..""",';,~~j;"""(£k,,,,-.,~,¡:;:------¡.Æ.h.,¡. ,,;. _¡';"";h~;~ ,f""","¡';"'..