3408 Imp Century Plaza Drive ¿ , I. '" r PETIT IO~ :\WIIIU: ,_u_3J/~X,- 1\;1 Il' F i 1 (',I MAR 5 1974 S;II ilIa, 1;;lïl-:;;i-ลก'--------~----- TO TilE Iln:\O!:\I:I.E I\\),\IW OF CO~I'IISSIO:\IJ{S OF 'I liE CITY OF S,\I. I i\'\, K¡\~JS,\S (f)'I\' I SS "':EllS: , , !'ie, thl' uIHI('rsi~nl'tI, I'l'si,lents alld properly O\Wl'rS ill the Cit>' of Sal ilt:l, Kalls'ls, ,10 iH'r,'h" 1','1 il'ioll your hunurahll' hall)' for Ih\:' installation of concrete paving with curb and gutter along the dedicated right-of-way of the ~rginal access road of Century Plaza Drive from Magnolia,~oad north and .,~ to the northern~\Ost point of said dedicated street as described on the plat of Meadowlark Acres Addition 12 to the City of Salina, and for all assessments normally made against adjacent property owners to such street to be made against (Hock I of Ma<]nolia Acres Addition #2. are, Trust iJ!l}A-hryc~. J>r;~,t{~:>Y,+'e pet i t iollers resp\:,ctfully.'. ~ ,p-¡,~ J - V--- ¡) l (. ,r::J fl. Y-~{t" '2~~ r .. FïLE[) By~rIONA!:...:._!_J_~ OF AM_F:IHCA_- will be gralld\:'tI, we ]nnro,,\:,mellts nade under K.S.", 12-(.a, ,,'hi.eh is the General Inprovement and Ass~ssl'lent I.ah'jstates: "N;Jmes may not be h'ithtlr;l\\JJ frol1 the p\:'titions by the signers thereof ;Jfter the go\'erning body COffil1CneeS consideration of the .,petitions or later thall se"en (7) d;J)'s after ,such filing, h'hiehever occurs first." ( , '--=--f' NA~IL - }--;..~ - ----'~ - f,[}DI~ESS - --,----:- _,.J~9,T -~Qç.;'~\!)P.ITI~- ~~ (--7-7:// i <"'I /' , 'VI,:"- 4,~JlíjJ.,., ',-"'-- )~,If",,~,:,,-' ","",<";,,, , dLL__,__- ---- 1l.~H{,d. ~7Ji-" .£' ,) í .JþJ .z¿¡4<ë~ :- ~t'~ 'ý - §.~-~-- ,,_Ð_{.-¿-¡t¡;-:~.7:-">"'J~/¿ 'u --- uu -,--------- --- --;----- ' , - ¿iÆ_:~:~;?/~7,;,t!< ":~";&l-~'~ß-/'.- '~-:-~.," ------- - _u- --------- m - -.- - -- --- -- ----- ----- ----- -- - ---- -- -- - - - ---_u_-------- - -- ---- -'-- ,,------ ,-- ------- - -----,-- - ------ -------- - -- -- -- n- -- -----'--- ---- - ---- ---' ------ --- --------- ---- - - __--h ,- ------ --- ,------- -- ------- --- u"- ---------- - ------- ---_u - -------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --- ¡ ----------- ------ ---- --_u - ---- ____n ----- --- ----- --______h_____- ---------------,-- ----- -- ---- ----------- - - ,- - --,--,---- --- d- _d __d_- - -- - -- ------' , --- -- ----- --- u ---- --- - _n__- - - --- -- ---..- - ..- ------- - ,--------'--- - --- - .. - - ------- ---- -- - - ------- Ii --'--------------U ---- ---'-_u-- u_------ ----'------ - , ---- ---- d--U' --- - --- ,-'_u -,p------- , _--__h- -p- i -------------'-1- ,-- - ------ _d- ---_u - .---- u ,', ,..-------- -- --------- ---- ---- d --- --d_- __--on - ,----.. ----- --- '- ------- ----, -------- II '" I '. i I \ ! I ¡ ! ì I ,\ I , \ .. . ..