3407 Vac Street Riverview Add .' "." r--. PETIT ION NmlllER --2/0.1. Date Filed: MAR 4 1974 Salina, Kans:ls TO TlI~ IIO:\OR,\ßLE BO,\HD OF CmI.'1ISSIO:-¡LRS OF TilE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CO~NISSIOSERS: :' We, thc undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition )'our honorable body for the ~51 . , .' /' ?/á",'(';:o _/ / ,,-'/"--'" '~"~7,,//,;í '~,,; ~..."" .", ,1:-:':Y'/':)'~ / ¡',<"oJ'?" 'r;:~-(."',,;,,-',' '.' .-.' /ð. 1",::,. -- ¡ / U /:ì :1-:/:::,;,:-/è PI-;':/',/', Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, \ole are respectfúily FILED BY (~J. i.~"L' ;..~: Jt;l&:t'_- n_- K,S.A. 12-6a, "hich is the General ]oprove¡:¡ent and I\ssessment Law, states: "Names may not be \oIi thJl'a\oln f¡'on the pel'i t ions by the si gners thcrcof aft er the governing body COI'lnences cons iJer a t ion of t he pet it ions or I at er than seven (7) days aftcr stich filing, whichcVCl' occurs first-" NMIE ADDRESS ',]!;~.-,-) ï.~':JL:fr];il__~- - LØ- )/, ØiJ!/~-- --- LOT . BLOCK ADDITION .--- -- ------------ .: ~~~-' =-tLI. 'I? 3 / --- ---_.. ,----- ------------- ------ - ----- -------- --- ---- - -- -------- -------- -- ------- - -- ,--- -- --- -- "J' ---- ---------- - --- ---- --- - -------- --- ---------- ----- Co . . ------- --------- - ---- - ---- ---- ------ --,--- ---------- --------------- ,., , r. -- - -- ------ --- h_U " .. ----- --.._----- 1;-- -----------'------- ~--- - -------- ----- ----- - --- -,-------- :~- ----- - - ,------- u ----- ------------ ---- ---- --d - -------- , -_u_---- .---- !'------------'--- ------------- ----- -..---- ----- ------------------- --_h--_____-------- --- ------ ------ ------------------_u- -------------_.J~---- ----- -----'- ----_u------ ------- ------u- ....-------- -- ------ ---- ---- -- -- - n--- --- -- - - --- ,- _u_-- on'--- ---,..- - ---- - ---' " Ii " :' , I I I I I I I I \ L i , ! I I J I t, I ¡ ;, I!