3402 Amend Zoning Riverview Add '.c'" < ,. The Salina City Planning Commission deems it nec-essary to requested below as coillplete as possible. PI'evious zoning tabled or den'ied because of insuffidentinformation. This is a general form for all rezoning requests: if there is other requested on the form, v¡hich you feel is pertinent to your request, same on question #14 and file it with the form. If more space is needed, please use the back of the form, 1. 2. Applicant's name Applicant's address Telephone number 3. 4, ' Legal description of propel'ty reque!;ted to be rezoned: A" Lot Block Addition B. Metes and bounds description ifnût platted Note: If not platted, a SuryeyÏir's C~rtificatc must be filed tnlJ¡-thc appff- cation, sho\~ing building locations and easements. ' Area (in:square feet or acres) of property 6. Property owner's name Present zone.and 8, 9. Proposed zone and use of Is there something special (other than o\<lIlcrship) about the area in question that makes it more feasible to rezone this area rather than attempt to a,cqui property presently zoned for the type of" use intended? Please specify_- 10, unit 12, Are there any restrictive covenants on intended use if the property \<¡ere (Attach a copy of the covenants Supply factual data showing the on present and future traffic ~/~?,~~j) A¿ ~t~<LY tl\'IIIcr's s~,. !h'!", \' 11111'11 L ] 1/ i L ill 1'1 !Jilt!!