3400 Amend Zoning Woodland Add . :~; i 1 ! :~l:(~ ~ - !-'U~'þ:" -=:=: n LJ NG F[ :$.?~;,~-Qg OM E 1'/110 2JJ.:.1.1: HEMUNG DA:E _H:7.!f-_____-- The Salina City PlanninÇJ Commission deems it nocèssary to have thc inrol'lnation requested oelo\'1 as complete as possible, P!'evious zonillÇJ petitions have been tabled or denied bo.cause of insufficient inforlllation, ,- . ArrLlCAl[(Jì1 1 em N,lI]1Ii11Un TO Till: CI[Y ZOl1ING ¡IAi' SALINA, J~ANsr\s This is agcncral fol'lII for an rezoning requests: if there is other data, not requo.sted on the forlll, v:hich you feel is pertinent to your) equest please note \ same on question fil1 and file it \'lith the forll\. ,',' " " ""I If more spacc is necded, please usc the back of the ,form. l. 2. Applicant's name Applicant-' s address b II Becker ,P. O. JJôx 323 3. Telephone ,number (liome) (Business) 823-3016 if. 'Legal description of property requested to be rezoned: A.. Lot Block Addition Woodland B. Netes and bounds description if not platted 5. Note:' rCnot plaTlê-a-;-aSurvCjïOr-rSCertificate must" be fi led I'lith the appl f- cation, showinÇJ building locations and ~asements, Area (in 'square feet or acres) of property ~~. 6,000 <;q1J.'1rA fAet, 6. Property o'emer's name B. h. --7., Present- zone and use of property 8. Proposed zone and use of property Zone "FF". u so. - Jit..Q ra gL-,- 9. Is ther'o. something sp'ecial (othel' than O\'lI1o.I'ship) about the area in question " that makes it more feasible to rezone this area rather than attempt to acquire property presently zoned for the typo. of use intended? Please speeify__- 10. Own propertvand wish to comply with city ordinance. Supply factual data shOl'ring need for rezoninÇJ in this area Hequested ,- 11. ~Euilding rns~ec~ion Department in the City of Salina,_Ka~sas.--- Are there any. restrictive covenants on the property II¡hich ~lOuld ,affect the intended use if the pI'operty were rezoned?,___J\LQ.,..__,..._-------,----_._---- (!\ttaeh a copy of the covenants and/or deed restrictions if any ill'e in effect,) 12. data showing tile effect the proposed zone and use \'Iil1 have fllLlIre tI'affie f1oVl'_l'J.9.......dif:(erence_,-____---_._~-- ----,-. ,---- ---, -""--'-------- ----- 13. !-lill thel'e be sufficient off--street parkine! prov'idccl for a more intcns'¡ve use? l,/j, List exll'iLits or plans SIJ,hilli,tLNI: __--!:LQne--h--n__--_--_,-----,---------..------..,-.....--,..------ ---------..-..---..,--., , ---..-.....------........--- ----......--..... m................. _n"_""'" ---.... x ,hØd--- l'I"'I"'I'Ly (I',JlIl'I"" :,1'111,11.\11'" X_, ,Øt. /k¿Á...-- AI'I,ll' "n I.':, ',I 'ill" LIII'" 1'1 "Iili í 11'1 1),1'" 111'" 'II I I:, 'v i 1'\1: p" I (' :¿//9/'1 Illill"I', ì'n1lß.