3398 Amend Zoning Bonds Add , ~ fll'PI ] Cfll rolj~~1 (Ji( "Nlum/IINT TO 1111 C] r y WiWW 11111' SIIUI111, ¡;lIli~,IIS i'LTITrrm IWiml!( 35g{ {Jflll.. !lUD,~_srJ:;:~Xj~-lt:~~~;;;;~:. . nLiNC Ill: ,~;?:í.,.l!.~ lIlITL P/\JU~.::..r2:L'!:~"1~~ ¡¡LfllmiC; DIITL --_.,- iYlmi'cr. _!.'J,J1.Z'?:_------ s' The Sillina City PlilJlJliJlC¡ Còli:lliission deems it: JIL'C(,Ssary to have the ,infollilation requested belol'l as co;lIpldc as poss'ìble. Previous zoniJl( pctiti'ons have been tùbled 01' denil:d bccùusc of insuHicientinfol'lllcltion, This. is a c¡eneral Torm for all rezoning requests: if there is other datù, not reqw1stcd'on the fol'm, ¡'¡hich-you feel is perti.nent to your request, please ¡jote sùllle on question i/l1J and file it with the form'fi ¿>~3 -I v If more space is needed, please use the back of the form. 1. 2. BenJ. Frick Applicaht's name Applicant's address Box 917, Salina, Kansas 3. Telephone number (lIòme)~-6~14 823":6328 (Business) 4. - Legal descl'iption of propel'ty requested to be rezoned: South 45' of 26 An Lotall::of -.fß- Block -----.L_~- Addition Bonds Addi,tI;óri1',n 8. Metes and bounds description if not platted Note: T'rñot plaHecr:aSürveyo¡-'s Certificate must be filed \'lith the appli- cation, shovling building locations and easements. 5. Area (i n -square feet or acres) of property 11 ,400 sq. ft. 6; Property o\'lnel-' s name' Carl Andrews 7. Present zone and use of property B;¥wo'-'fatíiiT'ý",r:; ---Vacant 8, Proposed zone and use of property _c1Mal¡g.:¡ -Famik--=.:..::.::..~~lL_- 9. Is there something sp'ecial (other than OI'lI1ership) about the aréa -in question that makes it more feasible to rezone this area rather than attempt to açquire property presently zoned for the type or' use intended? Please specify We feel the area would be enhanced by a nice building and several school' teachers have reqriested a facility of this type near the school. 10. Supply factual data sho\'ling need for rezoning in this area Each lot nOW is zoned for a duplh. We are not add~ny more pepple, we are only making one unitoitfol:two a~ zoned at present. 11. Are there any restrictive covenants on the property \'Ihich vlould affect the intended use if the property \'Iererezont!d? 'NO. . (Attach ¡¡ copy of the covenants and/or decidrest';::TcTlolï'SUanya-¡:;-e-iîlëf7ect.) Supply factual data sho\'lÌng the effect the proposed 7.one and use vlÌ]] have on present and future trùffic flo\'l. ShOL ] d Dot hiULe.....an,y.-.e.ff.:.e.c.i....-_~ 12. 13. Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided fora more intensive use? _J~b.--!.heJ!~___~_L!:i;:..!:~_tr1_~;!Q'[iJ¡~~~~~--~s at......E!:~c:2~~-- List exhibits or plans subll1ittr~d: -"-'-------------"-------'----__..'__n.. 14, .------'..----------.-.---..-..,-----.,.----,--....-....----- ,------,--- -,--.--.-------,... '---- ~~/ ~ ' d<? ,- ~.. /,,'~ ^I'I'~""'~' J'ltiliitl'. . k1J;:; II¡¡I" ¿';/ 7¡ I~?<;( . "",. .. '.. - v" ":,,;,,;_,,;,;,'::',,-,:,,,;¡;;';;H.,;.~..".";f,;j.. ';~';;¡¥";;:":';;"~;;.f~~;,;,"':,.." ;. ....¡/::ik."w-i:,;;..:;\:M\;i&jþ'&";...:...¡,þ;~~;:;.;,:;...¿ ,.. .;;..:.:- ,":'"":"~"",,,;~,,"è:..r:",,. ""~""'..".'-.....- ..-.