3391 Amend Mobile Home Ord (, PET1TlO~ Nu~mER 3~91 Date Filed Jan. 10. 197/, Salina, Kansas TO TilE IIOSORABL[; BOARD OF CO~I~IlSSIO~ERS OF 11IE CITY or SALINA, KANSAS CO~NISSIO:\EoRS: .. We, the undeTsigned, residents and property o~ners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the amendment of that part of Section Zl-Z9 of the t:oblle Home Ordinance which reads: "provided. however. that a ",oblle home court which provides a rnlnlnum are.1 of forty-six hunòred (1,600) square tE;et fot' e.1ch' aoblle home may be located within a distnnce of three hundred (JOO) feet of any publi~ park, public building, school or college" to be amended to read: ,"p(ovlded. however, that a rroblle home court which provides a nlnlmum arCH of forty-six hunòrcd (4600) square (eel for each mobile home !tay be located within a distance of the width of a platted city street, sixty (60) feet, of any public park, public bulldln¡;, school or college". Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, respectfully, ~ l" :' / ,1 'r,'; ) FILELJ BY ~~~ 71/)~J¡~ Kenne , J. Nordboe ;; NAN!: ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITIO~ -------- n-- ---- I, ------- ------------ -- --- ---u- ------ ----------- ---,. -------- ------ - ---- --- ,- --~,-- ----- ------ ----------' -,-- ------ ---.. ----------- -------------- - --- - - -----"-~---'- --------- -------- --- --_..~ --- ---- --------- -------- -- ------ -------- - --,--- - -- --------- --- --- - ---- ---- ï;'---- -- ------ .- -- --------~ ---------.. --------- --'- --------'- --- ------ ,--------- i ~ ---- ------------ '---- ------------ --"----J-- ------ _____m___- -----..--------- ,._,--______n..'-'-- . H' .' -=~ u. ~_:~~:-. -=: ~::_:-- :=~:: ~:=::: - :,,:. -----;-: -.- ---------- ......-¡~- -, ----- ----- ----------- ----------- -------... ,---- ------ --------- ----- (, ,,' -.., \ I I \ I' , " II !' (', If