3515 Imp Twin Oaks /~ ,/"/ ~... , , , , PIITITION NU~IßER '.:...3S I~ 'Date rile": Ì\...",\.¿,lù l'ìt~ Salina, Kansas' TO TilE HONORABLE BOARD or cO~!}I1SSIONERS OF THE CITY or SALINA, KANSAS cmIMISS lONERS: We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City' of Salina, Y.ansas, do hereby petiti/ony~r h/onOX;b~)OdY for the ,~,'I,~~'f::.,..-, .5("((/("',/ al,tf~.r/ .5h...//- :';{~'l;' ý'le .:-li ~/. 1,;~/ì-"'7 0'1 E'clu<,;,jsfþr...'!-, /rcn" ßi'<" 1- A v <"'h-' C /c-, /«n..i'/~,¡('1 1/,,1 "v)(/ <.:/' C~, ¡;";/,,, / /",Þ".<:¡;~<,.,~ p~f.<,.,.~j /i> /.10.> 'f. é/(t' ^ /"'1-/ c::;- 1/(>5'(- ~?C/' f( j(.lN <.' rr<lòt1 ,(/r-q! AV"'1()~- 'Tê> /Jr.~r-A /"'<I"',<;)' C'/oIU;'( C;?U..-'( <'/ud Q,((;UlI'q! ¡jJ(IC+" Trusting that th~~yerS of the petitioners will be granted, we are respectfully / ......--~/ c-;v.. FILED ByØ~-;:Ol;t///c"c~'--' ' " K(S:A. 12-6a, which is the General Improvement and Assessment Law, states: "NaMes ria)' not be wi thdÌ'awn fro., the pet it ions by the signers thereof after the governing body commences consideration of the petitions or later than seven (7) days after such fi ling, whichever occurs first." NA'Œ I~/ /L,c",..¡L c.~>« ç/t LOT I rf,y.,/ (, BlOCK ADDITIO~ ADDRESS , í¡;JI~ì ¿7qk~ fiJ¡7~... /"> ., ,'" //j </' . th'\( ? > ç I - --- d I I/Í,-v (. ," " If / .. r' ._~- ._-- I' " " - /' q 'I I- /-" /{; /f",. '¡o -- ------'--------~~ --- 5 I' N 1'1 I. If '/ r, 'I " --.----- --- -- --------- t1- II Áfl t" 'l /f £ ?c- ..., " u 1/ -----. II r/ /1 If /, '... /r " ~/_---__:L. --- - "-' I" I Ie} If - - c' t'( r¡ If " " , i' - l: ~ ._-------- ----------- " - ------------ " ------ -1------ -------- I, - -- - 1----------- ---- --- " n______"-----'-- - ---- ----- :', ------- -- ---- u_------------ --- - " ---- --------- - - -- ,-- - - } ¡ I I I I I I I 1 I ! I I I: , I ¡ , i \ I I '\ I, I , I I I I ,- i « !ì