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3512 Sewer Key Acres Add
II 'I \' I; í -" I,. "" 1'"-, -¡ l';rrlÏo~~ NmIBER ,_J.~I 2.- Oat I'. I' i L ('.I: .:)ep_~_.'_--í'~~,__.19c5 ~alin<l, I:ansas '10 TilE IIO:\OItABLI: 1\0,\1\0 OF Cml\IISSLO~U:S OF 'fill: CITY OF SAI.HI,\, \:J\/-;SAS .. CmI.'lLSSIOSEJ:S: ,- lie, lhe unlle,'sip,IIl'<I, hdll¡: rcsill~lIt~ ami propl'¡'ly o\;ners ill the Cit)' of ~<llill<l, K;lI1sns, uo hen:"y petitioll )'1)\1\- hollo,'a"le hOlly fOl' the ~~nGlrllct.lon ant! Inslallal\on of !JaIn lat.y Gellers araJ water lineG lo serve rífl8~Re{,g~: ~~~e~~l~n'~n~), (J~~l~~~\ ~¿~: ~;~~f'l~~~' (~h). (~~~e~~~~n á~~: Twenly (20). and' the _'ieGt Thirty Fe~l of Lot ~;i/',hl (ß), and tho. ~!(!st Ei"hleen feel of Lol Twenty On') ß]oek Ei¡>,ht (ß),Key Ael'es Addition to lhe City of Salina, Saline County Kansas, accordlnr, to lhe corrected p]al. (21) . 1'I'UStill!; th(lt lltl' pra)'I"'S of thl' Pl'liliol\('l'" Hill he !;I'anle.!, tie are rl:spel'tfIlLL)' - \'" I'I!.ED BY~':};~().!:I..~_1'._0_U1e':.~1...~~r1St.l£\l~_~!~urc~.6v~ h . A Øt;n ?-f?<A.hn p<. - I:,S,^. l?'-Ú<I, Hhich is the Gene.'oL InprovG elÎt anll AssC'ssmellt "'7 Lali, slates: "Nane~ ':1a)' 1\01 he Idthdl'a¡,;n frol1 the pelitions by thc signcl's lhereof afler the r.o,lerninr. holly Conr:1enccs consiucl';ltion of the I'etilions 01' late.' than sevC'n (7) da)'s after slIch filill¡:, Ilhicl,eve,' occurs fil'st." NAIll' ^DnItESS 1.01' BLOr.K ^nUITlO~ ---- ------ - - - --- -- -- --- ------- ------------- C, ~-/, Heeò, Tru[;lee . - ¿}~' ~7"--r---- -----"---~~~--i-:-p:~:;\.- ~=-~ ~--_u ~~;~-----_.._- ~#4::_..------_..__.. ð/2~~'.r-- - - ----- ------;---- ~~7~~ !J~.~~~~~1:--"----"-- ..- ---------------- -~--------.._--- -{~ ¡.: ¿ ------~7---------------------------"- - - - ...-------..----- ¡¡il~~'T\_~.:_Oehler.t:.,_'£r\.l::~?.-------.._- - --------,-- ---r--- ------..-- - -----, ~- -c- J /ý, . (f rJ)Ø;.' ,- I - I. {J fld.~ ¿:;:¿¿dL/~- C. ;~;:.._l!.L--_u~dlu-:'{'-<.o...\--- ./..þ(.:!< -~ 1 :¿ ~-----_.._-- ------------ ---- --- - -- - - .-- ----------------- -..------- -.. ----- . ! ------------ - -- -.. -- -- - ---- --- -- - - - ---- -- -_..- ------ -- - - - ----------- ----------______n--_-_--- --- ----------------- -.... --- ----- - -----.- ..----------- ----- -.- --- _..___n__-- - -- --.. --- --_._------..----- -------------- -------------...-. -----------_....--------- - -- -.------ -------- ------- .. .... -- --_._,----- - - - - --... - -- ---- - .. - - - - - - -- --..-- h"_- - - -- -- -- ....--- --....-..--- ------- --..---------- --_u_----....---- ------ ..-....- u_......--....- .---- _.._--,..-- -----...-..---...- 1\ ----------_..-.. -..----_..- - -.-_U_"__h_---- - - ,_.. - -.. - -...._,. - -.. --- --- - - ::- ~~ ~~--.~~.~::~~-,'~~.~-~-~~~ ~-~-- ~~ ~~--- ~~: :.~~~: ~ ----~-.-~~=.~-~ : J: -.'- ~ ~~.~- ~~-~~ -- ~~ ~-~:~_:_~-_: :-_.:: I _...--. -----------..-..--..----...-.-- ",-,---------""---"""-"- --.. - -..-- -------_.. ..-.--------- --..- ....-----....-..--"--""-'-' ..'-"---~-~-- ~'- .~-- ~:_~~ - .....- ---- - - .-_:..-~~... t ::::~: - -'::~:'~ _:- ...--_u........------_U- ...-"""'-- \' iJ , r \' , I I I ¡ ! I I I i ¡ I I ¡ \ I í !\