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3508 Annex Township 14
Ii r----. I'ETLTJO~ Nm1ilŒ __.í5M- \Jalc I'il e<.1 :_D--j~L {C¡'(5 S<lLina, KaIl5;IS " '10 TIll, IIO:\OHAIILE B:J,\H\J O\' C9~1'IISSIONEHS OF TilE CITY (I\' $,\I.L:-IA, I~\~;SAS II COil'l1 SSlO~EHS: " () lie, the unJ,'rsi!~ncII, beill!'. resillcllls all.! p;'opcrly ownl'l'S in the Cit)' of S<llilla, Kansas, 110 hereby pctilioll )'our honorable holly [or the' A~nexat.1ún of the ~i15t Half (Et) of the North Half (Nt) of the Southeast quarter (SF.t) " of Section Thirty Fivc 05), Township Fourleell (111) South, Han8c Three (J) \lest, 5.:tllne County, Kansas, which is 10roted Ð1st of I-J5 lIißhway and \lest of U. S. 81 Highway, whleh tnlet conta ins at least 26 aeres except. for the ti1st 200 fcet whleh 16 prescnlly I.n the cily of Sallnå. . Trllstillg that the pr<l)'crs of the pet itiOIlCI'S 11i'1 J be respcclfull}', ./ " ~-~{~f7~-T-,~17//.~7~_"'//%- .. ' 1'1 LEU 11)'- - - , '(:4(;.:2"7 .S~-f -££.é'L- ~~~'N~::-~ --- as u., n---- ---. , K.'S';,\. 12-,ú;-, ;:I;¡ch is-tTÍé (;eneral hlprOVeõ'1l'lIt I.a\" st(ltcs: g"'allled. \,C are all" ^sse5smellt "N;mes nay lIot he ",ith,lral~1I fl'or"! the petitions by the signers therco[ aft!'r the [,overllinr. boJy COJ,V1enccs consillcratioll of the petitions or later than seven (7) d;lYs aftcl' such filing, Hhichevcr ocelli's (irst." N,\~IE ^\)\)(\ESS LOT BLOC¡: A)() ITI O>J --------- - ---- --- --- ----------------- ----,--------------- , L -y--------.~/- -;-' --- c/jL¿f:ÙIZ~/ddÚ/UL¿ Dorothy ~~lerius - ------- -- --- ---- " _6612 J:~_œrie_J;lI1.Q. -- ~- -- - --- - ------------ \Hchita, Kansas 67212 ' .------------------- --- --- ----------- --------- ---- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- -- - --- -----'---- - ---- ------ ----- ---- ----- -- ------- ---------- --- - ,-- ------ - - -- --_u - - --- ___'hU ,------ -- - - ---- ---- ---,---- --- ,---------- -- -- - ---- -- - ---- -------- ------' -------------- ---- -- h__U - ------ ----- ----- ----- -- ------ '-------- ------ -------- - -----------u -------- ,---- -------- ---------- -- ___--h--__--------__,_h_- - - ---------- -------- --- -------- ------ --------- ,. ,------ ------------------' u-------------------..- --- --- ---- ----~- ------ ------- ______h__'__--- -----------'---- ----- ------- -------------- -- -. ------ ,---_u- ------- - - ---- ---- - ___--_m_- ,----.--------- ----p-p------ ---,---- ---------p-- ---_u_----- ,. :' " ------- - -----'-- --- . - ,--- - ------ -- ,h_---U - - ----- - u ------- - -- - --------.- -------_____.m-- - ----u----------......----, -- - -- - ------- --- - - .--- ..----- '1 , --- p----- - ---,..--P"" ----_u,----__m-- IP----" -----..--..----..---_u-------- , ..~-.. '. .,~~.~',::...'--,'.':: ,', [:-,:' :'__,~', ::.-:-... ,.. -. \ =.::.:..I.=='~ ,'.:..-~::~~=. ¡ i t , , , " I ¡ ¡ I , i I \ I I i I " I ! I i ! " , I I L I . I Ii " " '" I. i I i . I: I !