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3501 Repeal Zoning Ordinance
I! .' " "-', /' PUßLICATION DATE: !:!.O lilter tll<lll August 19, 1975 I'I:rlTlO:-l NW\iI\:!l ~$Sð / lIate rill'.!: ?-6,'lC ~;1 J i 1,1(1, 1:;l1I~:t;; IIEMUNG DATE: September 9...L-.!.2l?_- 10 TIlE 110:\01:,\11\,1: \lO,\I:!) OF cml'IISSIl1~rHS or 1111: Clli' nr SAI.I:\,\, I~\~S,\:'> CO~l\1ISSlOSÅ’S: He, the 11l111c1'~il:IIC<I. hcill¡: Tl'~i<lcllt$ ;111\1 H'OIH'l'l)' olmcr!; ill thc Cit)' of Snlill<l, l:aIl5;15, 00 hereby pclitioll )'0\1\' honorabLc boll)' 1'01' thc repeill of Zoning Ordinilnce No, 6613, ilS ilmended, ilnd the ildoption,"in, its place, of the i.\ttilched Proposed Zoning Reguli.\tions ilnd ,zoning District l-1i.\p. Tn,st illt: th<lt thc 1"';1;'1'1'5 of thc pet it ioncr!; Hill he r,rontc.!, I~C ;lrc rcs,pect[IIII)' ;¡;:!;;a ~ity /.~ilnning Commission , I' I LEU IIY, -~ -' J. j/;:;';~.t.~~,)_-:_-------- Secretary K.~,^, 12-6a, I,hieh)$ hc (;CIICI'" 1 ]111"'O\'I'nClIl ;111<1 ,\$SC$$1.ICllt L(lII, sl<ltcs: ' "1'1"'1('5 n:l)' not bc Hi t 1"II'alm frol;1 t hc 1'('\ i \ iolls by the sir.llcl's thcu'o[ ,I[t('r the r,O"('\'Ilin¡'. h'h\)' coancnccs collsidc"otioll of thc I'ctitiolls or latel' th(lll se"clI (7) <Ia)'s a[lcl' stIch fi L in?, I>hicltc"cr occllrs [i,'st." N'\~iE ---------------- ¡\fH>:H:SS LOT BLOCI: A[HHTIO>J' ------- --- - ------- --- --- ---- - ---- -- --- ----- ---- --- --.. _u --------- -- - - ----- --- - - "------- ------ -- ------------- " " .------- ------------ -- --- --- ---- - -- - ----------- --- - - - ---- ------ - ,----_u- - - - ------- - --- ---------- --,----------- ----------------- ------ _u_-- -- ----------- -- ----- --- - -- - ----- ---- --,-- ----- ---------. --- - -- --------- -----------....---- -- n., -----------.---------..---- ------ ----- ----- ----------------- ------------------ ---- ----- --~--- ---------------- ------------------------- ------------- --- ---~- -- --------------. - ____n --- - - ..------..-- -- ------ ------------------ ----- - ----------------.---------..------------------- - ------ ----" -- -- ---- -- - - - - ----------- ---------- --.... ., ' -----------,-------- ------------u_- ----- .----- - - -------- ---- ------- ------------- ----- - --- "----- ------- ---. ---- -- ----,--_..--------- _____n-_----------"------"----'-- --- ------- -- , .. ------- -- - ----------------- -- -----------.- -- -------- -- ,----- -- - ---- --------- -- __--_h-_-- ---- --- ------ --_.- -.. --- - - -- --------' - _n ---,- ----- .-------- --------------- ---,--------..---------------..-- --...--------..-,...,---------- --------- --------_u-..-.. .. - --- - --- - - - - -, - , - - - - -- - ..- - - - - - - - - .. - --_n - ., - . - -- "..----.. ----- --"-"'--- -.. - - -- -- -, -, - ,- -. --, -- - -" -,. - - - - - - -, -, .._-,.' ..---.,...-. ..------..- --------..--..-,. "..-.-----.----.-.....- --- -,...- ..--- .. - .. II - - -..-, -, - -,' - -' - - -, ....- ....-..-. -..-....-.-..-...... ,.-..".. ¡; I .1 c': !