3497 Vac Right-of-Way Mt Barbar ¡J - 2- . II to.n./'i7)/ PETITION NU~1BEI\ 21'/97 DateFi.led:~h><-'-I~ 1'17;" Salioa, Kan s ' TO THE HONOI1AßLEßOARD OFCOMI>IISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CŒ,~IISSIONERS: We, thellndersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do herebY petition yollr honorable body for the vacation of all sxistingstreet r1~rt'OT-Wây ajbng the east side otChaonel Ro?dbetweeo Glen Ayenue and the rorEH jibe ~fMplJnt Barbara Addition, except for a forty foot (40') $tree. t right-of-wâ,y lpc~t¡Jd äldbg the. east side of Channel Road, (See attached <Jrawiogs.) respeètfllli~llsti..ngt'9f."'.'.~"""".';¡~'W"~. :iU" '~"', " ." . FILEDßY "". ~/' ../IAAAl./ K.S.À- 12-6a, whieh is the Genetallmpro~ement and Assessment Law, states: . "Names may not be withdrawn from.the petitions by the sigMrs thereof after the governing body comenees consideration of the petitions or later than seven (7) days after such filing, whichever occurs first-"