3489 Amend Zoning Sunset Manor " !"'\ f"\ I'UI\I,'C,TlO:1 1),\'1'1: \'lll Y:\ls.ï.H<\ I ì O~)J.'I 11l;/\IUtIG LWi'I: (\>11"'\( \~ \qq',:;. . .' ~ t PLJ\NN LNG 1>El"1'. REVI EW \..y~ I ~II,~,\-'\' \" \ \í\ ~ 1'1:'1'11'.10:1 no. _J~~-- 1>Nn: F I LED /lld)! 5, 1115- $25.00 RECPT. '~1 FILING . FE 1-: )-.'. /\£'1'1,1 C1\TION Fan MIEND}!EtIT '1:0 '1'IIE 1>IS'l'IUC'i'ZüNINti HAP 1. D Cl/-I. -(~// !-1-(1¡,J'C.-/~<Ç;( c> J\pplicant's Name: 2. 1\pplicant's Addr~ss: Zip Code: ¡. 7//0/. 3. <I. O\'mer's Name: 5. Owner's 1\ddress: Zip Code: 6. Legal description of property }:eguested to be rezoned: J.o7f !I ~ -J/(t.\IS<j~11, ,olci' /...oí-¡ Lot (s) Î..ots J /c:' /jl I~I LJ, ':' I~,j./,,: in Block NO" -12-- In ~::'Q'1.-'s~<?L_d£q4~ol' 4c/~/~'7';o~/_- -- -- ---- Subdivision Metes and bounds description if unplatted (ù Surveyor's Certificate must be filed with this application): /{/Ô z:.------_C?£j2~cc~k< e ---- ---- - - _n'__- -- -,-- -- _h n' - ----- ---__n___-- -- -- ------- ,<. . ------- .---. '_Uhh U - -,.. ____h- --- -- -- -- --- 7. 8. --_-_h_--q_--- --.__u_----- _h 7'/;----7.1/3- i?¡";cT,;;;_:---_n , Approximate street address: 7,).tJ- 7;¡f>7_S,>/~.pc'1_/J:;I'7--/_l;'3'l(!!)<,rp.1tf, Areù of property (!;q. it. and/ol: acres) . ,A f~; (1)0,/ ptvc//t':f / Present ZonIng: Lq.U-M t' PiS!,:..d Usc: j¿,ciCc/,~_:1'-_¡f-<?_~'..:f..e":'--¡/q~- , , '/<?I",,~'f;"I~"-¡-. ~ Rcquested Zoni n'J: C.1,Jæt¡s<> f}¡'s1¿-~£/juse,: _~C7 ),7'/t¡ ~"vr e O.A~L.-.?...r Arc there any coveni1nts of rcconl \"hich prohibj ts ,the pr-opo!;cd development? (Attach copy): _d:"C!-._---~------------,-------_.._----- 9. 10. 11. 12. J.ist reasons for lids request.: -ro }- -<.'.2 o/V'<- 1-)//:5 C/r-t" q .í ð .- \.Æ~~'~ L_i:i.ß- C!-,,~:~,-t11~'è~fr,1 £!'.~<:.~¡J/~'> IJiÇ1):t f} jlJ.J~' e. _e._._~-~--- " (-0/2<0 I:1L~L__t:!!.-:':/ß-^--"" ~:~!if!.~?~>.../2!_:sIlid--~L~_/¿ (¡,'Le!, c(. Lt¿.:<;St~¿¡1JJ-J.J) . ~qéÛ.Lf'..A/7- f>!?A-I/.I.--~A_. -jÕ__é((.t- o...('!,-~!.J <1.1i:- -_.1IL~:../?~C:¿f~~1ð~/: - vVö~_Æ_;,~ J~ ..,~ - - ,~~.~~'i;;-<!~--_?",!_,!ll_W~?~-¡-1?-:!!:'o.~f7P ""':..~~cL___.__- $<:[~~'~:'~L _d,-',:P-?~:'t-_~Tß'é!.'f s!.CE.':- _he ~ ~~~:_ß J~.:P' ÃfL/.~Lq¿.__------ J.e. ~ l;~j'<':.;,1-L];.:':.2.T:-¡- ft.t~.:_. .5-¡-!/d-e.~Ét -------- ------"--------- - -------- . I, ! -----.------------------------,---------- ---,---_._~--- ----- _.-,-- (ò - ¡. (H<,v. fJ/'J' ),\ -...L" \ ' i I I I i ¡ I I I I I " I I I I I I; I" " !; .. '. (, :. ,r-., ,-..... 13. Supply L\cl";¡} (1..ta '~;hn\!jll'J L11C et(l'cl: the rcq\le~;t will have on presenl "lid future tr,Ü[ic (lOl~, ~chool~, utilities, refuse collectiòn, surrounùinlj properties, eLc: _L1/'(1""~P- ~ ,. i. . , ----- 14. Will there 1,)9 sufficient off-street parking provided for the J'? requested use? 1/-e..5 Explain: 7~"'I'-<'o ~","J./, þ-e oIl ". . . .c;7;--f.°.-et- P'-".:.,.f,-'t--'I ¡~J.-- -nV(J ,Av/O,AIOÓ/1.e ¡::!.;? .- 'f,~ir. , v 'j 15. List exhibi ts 91' plans submitted: /f/o",,"e du1:e. /'0 ------ --- I' Property owner(s) signature: c\- ,0-//<,) ~ , ~/ é~ "l'1/- ry. I:://..""""oc..../'t~ ~///-' ,(. /~'l ?jcw.~ /~ "./)' , . -t" (J'þUt P'J{ o~/1~, /'.o":"'~~ Applicant's signature: j)c-t.<_<t'~jl-O&l t"..,~-c~,4' £A., ..'.- ìn.I/¿w,')/' ¿/..--.. --- ., i I . . I ----------------------------------,-------------------------------------------------1 ! I I I ¡ Zip Code: I 'relephone--~:I-~~~-II~-S-~~)-:~-~=~~-~=~--~-~------- Area Colle: --------- \ . ..j! C'="-"'~' "'~---- - - .. - ---';,,-, ; ü./;,t<¡.,;;',-Ñ ';;:;, IS--;;-;;;:~~"'~-:'" "=OC.C'~. -- - "'-1 I I , I n_- ----- If the applicant is to be represented bý legal counselor an aÜthorized agent, plea sc conpl ('tc the f:o 1101...i n9 ~;o that CO1Te!;pondcnce clJ\d conmun5.cations pe'rtaininlj to this application may be forHarded to the authorized 1ml.ividual. . tliJme of: Hçpre~;en ta t i ve: ,~~~!..~~~~_~T,l.>o¡.e- ! .----_.____0__--_- J\ddn~ss : ~~I}TO\l!Hl ÌI'~¡ I?roE:E!:Y ?onc Use i' NOH'!'II SOll'!'lI EN;'!' \'IES'!' -------- --- u- .. ---u.-.--- ------------ - ---- ---------------------- -_-.---,-------- ..---. -- ,----------------- --- --------- --------------..---- -----_..- ----- __m__---_-- ------------------- ----..---- Cllill-acl.el- o( lhc,¡l.wi'1hborhood ---- -----..-u---------.-- -....---- ----'-------------- l\elat1 on~;hi.p to LillHl U~;c Plall --..0 -- ------------..--------- --_.- ,- __-0 -- ------"---- (HI."" 'J/'/'i) I ¡: "