3487 Amend Zoning Shalimar Plaz . Approximate street address: 2051 CORSA¡jT COURT Area of property (sq, ft. and/or acres) ONE HALF 02) ACHE 9. Present Zoning: Use: "A" RESIDENTIAL Requested Zoning: "C" Use: NURSING HOME ADDiTION Are there any covenants of record which prohibits the proposed development? (Attach copy): List reasons for this request: NEW LIFE SAFETY CODE AND TO FILL NEED FOR ADDITIONAL NURSING HOME aEDs. . plans submitted: Property owner(s) signature: hf'l('-~ .~£ l~ (' ?: ß-=-.2 ;;4<- , , ç Á~~ /f:;;; -¡;~ þ""'- ~ß--- Applicant.s signature: If the applicant is to be represented by legal counselor an authorized agent, please complete the following so that correspOndencE> and communications pertaining to this application may be forwarded to the authorized individual. Name of Representative: Address: Zip C;ode: Telephone (Business): Area C;ode: Surrounding Property SOUTH EAST WEST Use C;haracter of the neighborhood Relationship to Land Use Plan