3486 Amend Zoning NE Industrial FILING FEE $25,00 BECPT, I~( >. Zip Code, (Home): Code, 67401 LO~.(S) " thru 6 in Block No, ---"-- In the Northe.st Irtdustrìà Park Blocks 4 'hru 6 Subdivision Metes and bounds. description if unplatted (a Surveyor's Certificate must be filed with this application)' 7. Approxim.te 8, of property (sq, ft, and/or 9. ..present Zoning, B(2 ~~¡Yo¡I?"I¥.,'r~e' LOr"' 10, Requested zoning: "0" N"w'~ Use: O" "a Offices and Medical facilities 11, Are there any covenants of. record which prohibits the proposed development? (Attach Cdpy): 5"" Urban Renewal Þian for Northe.st Industri.l P"k Renew.l Project SaliM, Kans.s Project No, Kansas R-29 12. List reasons for this request: The owners plan. modern Doctors office of approxim.tely 5,000 squ.re feet. This p"ticub> site was chosen bec.use of its proximity to St. Johns Hospi hI, and the "ea is largeenotich to allow for future expansioo and me deVeLopment at a Medrca 1 complex housing medical & dental o':fices, There is also =ple land for necessary parking, The present "8" Zoning allows for only two f=ny dweHrngs and rs rncongruous wrth the Urban Renewal Agency's policy of not ->,lowing residences in the Northeast Industrial Park, . (Rev, 9/74) " 1\ - " . .~ r-':- . . " f.llpply fa('Lllal (1i\la !;hm-.'Ìn<j lIre ('( (el:l: l:he l'e< lIc:.>t will have 011 pn~!H.ml ¡¡nù (utu.n: Ll'.:l[(ic (lo\~, ~c:llool:;, uti'lities, re(u:;e collection, tòU1Tounùilllj properties, ate: ^ll utilities are availablci. Traffic \áll increase but with adequate off-street parking \\'e hope to keep congestion .:\l a Minimum. St. '\'rallcis Boys lIol1e offices are to ~~,The river aJ,ld Mini-pa!;:k to the East. 10 the north is the railroad. to lhe south is Ci ty OImed lalld which is vacant ':\IId a fe\~ hone to the southeast allù sou liMes t. ^ park-l ike atmosphere is pli\lllll,!d and should be a defini te iMProvement to the entire area. 13. 14. Will there be sufficient off-street pi\rking provided for the requested use? yes Expl~in: 60 parking places are planncd, \~hich is more thall adcqua te for the faci Ii ty. 15. , I'rel;.,minal~V List exhibi ts or plans submltled: ~~~..pn'l inin:ny "kptd"",, " Property o~er(s) signa~~rc: -!-L~?( (}/"ð 72- r / , . r ...-/ ~ ,;2 . , I' A.-~.,rl ~I / ~ I/t/ ~. Applicant's signature: ¿~-' ß ~/:¡ ..._- ---- - ---- ~-----------------------------~------------~~~-"-------------------------~------~--{ I \ ¡ \ \ If the. appliciìnt i:.> lobe rcprc~ented by lcgill counselor an authorized. agent, plciwe complete UH~ f ollOl,'inlj so Lha t cor.r.espondcncc dud coITJl1unications pertaining to this applicat,ion ffi.:1Y be (on-Iardcd to the authorj zed indiv idlli1l. . Namc of Hepresl.!nLiltivp: Sùe Baxtel - ------- ------- ---- Addl:ess: 110 East Iron, Sáíina, Kallsas Zip Coùc: ----- ------------------ ------------- 67401 Telephone (Business):- - - 913 B2'l 364_1 913 Al:ea Code: ------ --- -------"---- ..-- ------------------ ---------..-------- --.. -- ------- --------------- ------- --- --------- --- ---------- ------..--- _--hh"---------------- --- --- DO 110'1' WtI'l'E I i¡ '1'111;' ~;I'AC¡': " " ~~\12:.!--<:~,~~~_i_~J. I'r°l',p:.!:~y' Zone Use NOHTH SOUTH, 1-:7\~'I' \-1I.;~;'r - - - __h-__---------------- -- -- -------- -------- ------ ------------ ---------,---- _u --..------_u-----"-------- ;, ------------- u_---- - ..----- -_u_------- - - ----,,_u_-- ---- --------.. ---------- - - ---, ------------------ __n--- ,-- Chill-iH:tet: of Llw nci<jhborhoQtl - ------, ----------------,_u,------ -_.------ ..-----" Helitlion~;ldp to L.:IIIt\ lJ~;(, -Plitn --,---------- -- ---------..-------..-.w_- -,--- ------- (nnv. ~/7.1) I .. , ! i , I I 1 I !' " !{ " II