3481 Amend Zoning EMI Add DATE FILED 31./<6 ¡ ~f^\ D 3, /'17:'1 $25.00 RECPT. #2$/~Q FILING FEE . ,»~ APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO THE DISTRICT ZONING MAP 1. Applicant's Name: My <:;, f2ez:ta .;J1.' Lamey 2. Applicant's Address: q;) 7 11/ c;;y:n La re Zip Code: 6'1 "'/{) / "ft:L3 ~)(:). ij() (Home): R:J.:i-f:J fJrJ tVl1' S, 12 é:-?:t¿/Jj.1 rim i- v 5. Owner's Address: 9,gz9A',CJaf¡ta re: zip Code: {,1'1t1/ 4. Owner's Name: 6. of property requested to be rezoned: . . in Block No. íw/'l {:} ) rwo(;iìJ "'ê/)iflt:: C<7~a7JSdc ',.)( Subdi'lf~s~on oJ (a Survey r's Certificate q '2 q N, ,,-S'C}/7.-fO k C¡O()() 6q., +i- g. Present zon,tng: 12> Use: ("'. f; u y- é h 10. Requested Zoning: 1/5) ,'" use:" ~1jf?j<:."'CeYdmÙj¡fÞ- " c/ FT..E;f/ 11. Are there any covenants of record which prohibits tñê proposed development:? (Attach copy): . , ' 12. List reasons for thisre,quest:ßJ/Ç"iÛtûltci ber/1 ~I only S'Ource o+¡ncorneJ -TheJ'e 1511/)1# 'L-OAJIf\/{A 1I\/7m: If'fJftJ£D!IJTe /:\(/tJ'< 8. Area of proPerty (sq. ft. and/oJ: acres) 7. Approximate street address: j,. .~"""""",!,-"'.':','" , ,,' T: ',"., , ,or-' . " .. ':"~'~' .-, .. :,,-:: c" ,', :,,~.: .": ' ',: ' '?'~~:-:" ::\~1:"""""';,1.~; ,< ,-." ("" , I '" 13. Supply factual data showing the effect the request will have on present and future traffic flow, schools, utilities, refuse collection, surrounding properties, ete: . Xl f'1'7' ~ .-w '. 11 14. Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided for the requested ~se? :')c<;' Explain: 15. ~ist exhibits or plans submitted: Property owner(s) signature: 'ill ~/Ú/ '~/?7'l¿--1 /' / //J ¿ ,,----- II , i '" " ' Applicant's signature: r;y. ~ ~V~_..-/'~7; ~/1---- i ¡ I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------~ If the applicant is to be represented by legal counselor an authorized agent, please' 'complete the following so that correspòhdence and communications pertaining to this application may be forwarded to the authorized individual. ,. Name of Rep~esentative: Address: ,Zip Code: Telephone (Business): Area Code: DO NOT \'iRITE IN THIS SPACE .' " "-, , Surrounding Property !. " Zone Use NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST .' -- C~aracter of the neighborhood Relationship to Land Use Plan (Rev. 9/74) -, ' " ' .... ,.,-- ,.....--...."" '.. " '- ~.