3480 Amend Zoning Parkwood Vill j~~", ! ' I , \: II . "or ",r, "','1;' ," "'! ' '7'" '," ~,..,:-. 'c,' ,,~,," ,0' r ",:¡rYf ' , ," r--. r\ PUBLICATION DATE ík)~ (\-tu.J.dt((.)\ (1 rr,- I ç HEARING DATE 'JJ1 III j l In ï -',) u ' PLANNING DEPT. REVIEH JY1.(!-:¡- PETITION NO. - ?J/ r¿ () DATE FII.ED / (Jr:{ '? ,r; '1(' I $25,00 RECPT. 1,.:(5//7 PILING FEE ,'r, APPLICATION POR At-1ENDMENT TO THE DISTRICT ZONING HAP '-' 1. Applicant's Name: Applicantlg Address: Eoy A. Presley 2. \ß;:>? Brlar"""""¡ nr'vo> Zip Code: 67401 (~ome): 827-1644 Zip Code: 67401 3. Telephone (Business): 82)- )886 4. Owner's Name: presley Builders , lne. 10'1 West Elm 5. Owner's Address: 6. Legal description of propertY,requested to be ~ezoned: JJot(s) one and two. Block I! Lot t, H1"'i'k f..; Hl,..,,\<? in Block No, t' 1-6-7 In - Farkwood Village ~n Subdivision Metes and bounds description if unplatted (a Surveyor's çertificate must be filed with this application): 7. 8. Approximate 'street address: 1800-1900 Blocks Sou~h Ohio 9. Area o[ property (sq. ft. ~nd/9r acres) tA),OJO ~1 "'I: or 4.20 AI'.rp,,< Present Zoning: f;B Use: Beauty Shop - Carpet &. Gifts Shop -- .--- , ' " 10. Í1. Requested Zoning: D ' Use: Off ice & Neighborhood Shops ----- Are there any covenants of record'which prohibits the proposed development? (Attach copy) : ' No 12. List reasons [or this request: ""an~~_order!i:....ñQvelopment of offl.ee build inr,s an~ .neir;hborhood ~hops, etc. - Present zoning allows ~nly what is on Crawford and Broadway now. We fe~l this i~~t in~~ best interest_~ ----- have beer taverns! drive-in restaurants, etc. next to Residenti~l Property as I; a buffer. I; ---' -'" ------'---- --, ---- (Hev. 9/74) ¡ I ¡ \; ,n u ";:'~~ ' !,., I \ i "j l i I I I , I "\\ -, , '" , " , '" ~", , ~','~' r.' " ",f';',' """",~"" ""'~"'i:-",! ,,:,;-,.",","',:' "', . , .' \' "...' r\ f-, " 13. Supply factual data showing the effect the request will have on present and future traffic flow, schools, utilities, ref~se collection, surrounding properties, etc: .,oulùn't increase the present. traffic flow orschooJs, ut.1l1l1es, or r,>~use collect.ion. ,Ii 14. Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided for the requested use? Yes Explain: " 15. List ~~hibits or plans submitted: tjone "Applicant's signature: Property owner (s) signature: //------ (/ i , I " I ~--------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------I I I \ I I ; If the applicant is to be represented by legal counselor an authorized' agent, please complete the fo110\1ing so that corrèspondence and communications pertaining to this application may be forwarded to the authorized individual. Name of Representative: " Address: Zip Code: Telephone (Business): <, Area Code: ---, - ----- --- - '-- -.- ----- --- DO NOT \~RI'fE IN TIlIS SPACE' " ~un:ound i ng Property Zone Use " NORTH SOUTH EAS'r W(-;ST ---- -- --- --- ---- Character of the neighborhood " --- ,--.. -.------ ,----- Relationship to Land Use Plan -- "(Hev. 9/71\) . ¡ '. , r. II " \' \ \ I I I I, I ¡ \I. "