3479 Dev Hocking Add """'n-: : I (- "':':\r'.(;-;"',',:" .", ,', , . .\_~J. :.; . " {\ -- ....~ .fl>JI7'l \\)".'ch .:./ In"> 'iI ~ú ()t). RECPTi~2.!iY.!i.1 ~ '/[.:; \\CÒ "ÇL- 3. 31~7t: . PETITION NO. DATE FILED FILING l'EE APPLICATION FOR SUßDIVISION 1. Name of Subdivision: Hocking ,\ddil ion to the City of Salina, Kansas 2. Location of Subdivision: North of Crawford Street ana' Wesl of 1-35\~ 3. Legal Description: The South Fourteen (11.) acres of the East Half of the Sou,thwest Quarter (E'2 SW/4) of Sect ion Fifteen (15), Township I'ourleen (14), . . II South, Range Three (3) lying i~cst of 1-35W 4. Land Area (sq. ft.~ or acres):' 609,8/,0 sq, ft, 5. p¡:esent zoning: Con~ercia1 pending subdivision approval, "A" presently . 6. Proposed Development (describe): }!ote1, restaurant, automol ivc service station, truck stop and wash 7. Subdivider's Name: Allan J. Hocking " Address: 215 \~est Ash, Salina, Kansas 61401 . Phone: 913182'7-1039 ß. Property Owner's Name: Allan J. .Hocking Address: 215 West Ash, Salina, Kansas I' 67401 Phone: 911+827-1039 9. Engineer or Surveyor I 5 Name: Dean St rowig Address: l2Il Sunrisè Drive, Salina, Kansas 6740l Phone: 913+825-9089 10. Authorized Representative I s ,Name: ' t C, L, Clark .>, Phone: 913+823-6325 Address: 129 ~outh Eighth Strcet, Sa Una, Kansas 67401 The applicant hereby certifies that..he is familiar with all of the provisions o[ .the subdivision Heljlliations and he intends to fully co~~~;;~;;~prOVi~e;~~.~~~~ ,', (nov. .", " \ I., I \ I i I ! \ \ i \ \ 9/74)\ -' . ~... .~ /' "'~. 'f\ -' /,?Oc. . NoTE: :Sur¿I'Ác~ P'IZ,A:IJAt¡e I~ 1-l0F!-'í .\ (NO ELO'\<MJA¥:S ¡!;¡w. .v'¡A;(!! ;.:c.OUloO,:;¡'¡¡J;) fi.;)~~; ",j¡,;ï::r.:. fe, 30.;;:1' 1:, fòOO, 00' / r.: ',2. (f .~. .f?'!